Thursday, February 1, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Impact Wrestling (May.Week 1)

TNA Impact Wrestling
May, Week 1, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Match #1
Tag Team Match
The Helms Dynasty (Andrew Everett & Gregory Shane Helms) vs The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy)
Winners: The Helms Dynasty

Drew Galloway has issued a challenge to Grado tonight. He talks about how Grado has been faced with seemingly insurmountable odds since he's come to TNA and yet somehow he always seems to find a way to pull out an incredible victory from the jaws of defeat. Galloway gives Grado all of the credit in the world and admires his fight but as a competitor, Drew wonders ow he would fare in a match against Grado. In Galloway's mind (and no offense to Grado), he feels like it would be an easy victory. However, he can't help but wonder and so he has challenged Grado to a match tonight.

Match #2
TNA Knockouts Championship Opportunity
Normal Match
Sienna (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett) vs Allie
Winner by pinfall: Sienna (AK47)

Match #3
TNA X Division Championship
Normal Match
Mandrews (c) vs Trevor Lee (w/Andrew Everett & Gregory Shane Helms)
Winner by pinfall and STILL TNA X Division Champion: Mandrews (Shooting Star Press)(2 ½ * Good)

Match #4
Normal Match
Drew Galloway vs Grado
Winner by pinfall: Grado (Cutter)(3* Very Good)
Post: Grado offers a handshake and Galloway accepts before raising Grado's arm.

Match #5
TNA World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
Eli Drake & Tyrus (c) vs Al Snow & “Miracle” Mike Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett)
Winners and NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions: Al Snow & “Miracle” Mike Bennett

Bram comes out and talks about how he won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament but things didn't go his way in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship match against Eddie Edwards last week. He talks about how Lashley and EC3 competing for a title shot is a waste because he's already proven that he's better than all of them. Bram is cutoff by James Storm who tells Bram to stop making excuses. He makes fun of Bram's defeat which sets Bram off. A match between the two is booked for next week on Impact.

Match #6
#1 Contender's Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Lashley vs Ethan Carter III
Winner and #1 Contender: Ethan Carter III (5* Greatest of All-Time)



Al Snow & Mike Bennett have won the TNA World Tag Team Championships!


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