Saturday, February 17, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (May.Week 2)

May, Week 2, Year 1
St. Louis, MO

Match #1
#1 Contender's Match for the WWE European Championship
Normal Match
The Undertaker '98 vs Rikishi
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall and #1 Contender: The Undertaker '98 (Tombstone Piledriver)

Middle Card Promo
The #1 Contender for the WWE Women's Championship, Trish Stratus calls out the WWE Women's Jacqueline and accuses her of talking trash backstage. Trish says that this should be settled in the ring and not backstage. They have a promo battle that Jacqueline looks to get the upper hand on. This leads Trish to attack Jackie. She beats her down until the official rips Trish off of her.

Match #2
Tag Team Match
The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (The Rock '01 & Mankind) vs The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker '00 & Kane '98)
Winners: The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (Mr. Socko from Mankind on Undertaker)

Match #3
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Normal Match
Chris Jericho '00 (c) vs Eddie Guerrero
Winner by submission and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho '00 (Walls of Jericho)

Match #4
Backstage Brawl
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 vs Triple H '01
Winner: Triple H '01 (Pedigree)

Match #5
Tag Team Match
Shawn Michaels '98 & Kurt Angle '01 vs The Faces of Foley (Cactus Jack & Dude Love)
Pre-Match: As soon as the match starts, Angle tags himself in as things are already seeming to come to a head between Angle and Michaels.
Mid-Match: Michaels tags himself back in and is then laid out by Angle who storms off abandoning HBK to face The Faces of Foley alone.
Winner by submisison: Shawn Michaels '98 (4* Amazing)
Post-Match: Kurt Angle appears on the stage to mock Michaels who calls him down for a fight.


The animosity between rivals reaches a boiling point, after Kurt Angle '01 attacked Shawn Michaels '98 during their tag team match and left his partner alone in the ring to finish the match!

Trish Stratus called out the WWE Women's Champion and noted rival out to the ring to confront her face-to-face. Jacqueline answered and played along, but showed her true intentions by attacking the challenger when she least expected it! (Note: Wasn't it Trish that attacked Jackie?)

Mankind has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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