Saturday, May 12, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (June.Week 4)

June, Week 4, Year 1
Grand Rapids, MI

A video package is shown of Sting '99 arriving on RAW IS WAR and capturing his first piece of WWE gold, the WWE European Championship. Although many fans have shown their excitement over these occurrences (especially the European fans), one particular person is not so pleased with all of this and that person is none other than Mr. McMahon himself who has booked Sting in a title defense tonight against “The Big Red Machine” Kane in an effort to “win back” the WWE European Championship to the WWE.

Show Opener Promo
NEW WWE Women's Champion Jacqueline comes out and makes it look like she's going to call out the former WWE Women's Champion but ends up calling Lita out instead who ends up besting Jacqueline in a promo battle.

Middle Card Promo
Brian Pillman is the #1 contender for the WWE Light Heavyweight Championship currently held by Crash Holly. He talks about how he plans to defeat Crash and win his first piece of WWE gold before trashing the fans here in Grand Rapids. Pillman is then suddenly interrupted by The Big Boss Man '99 who trashes Pillman and the fans. Pillman chastises Boss Man for stealing his spotlight which prompts Boss Man to start menacingly threatening “The Loose Cannon”. Pillman ultimately refuses Boss Man's fight provocations and walks off this ending the segment.

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
The Undertaker '00 & Dude Love vs The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher)
Mid-Match: Undertaker Irish whips Mosh into the corner as Dude Love restrains Mosh. Undertaker runs in for a clothesline but ends up clocking Dude Love off of the apron. Mosh uses this miscommunication to mount some offense. Dude Love runs into the ring and goes to level Mosh but the headbanger ducks and The Dude lays out The Undertaker. The Headbangers then manage to throw Dude Love back out of the ring and see to it that “The American Bad Ass” is still lying on the mat.
Winners: The Headbangers! (Diving Leg Drop from Thrasher on Dude Love)
Post-Match: Dude Love is crouched in the ring in disbelief as The Undertaker comes in to accost him. An argument seems to occur as Undertaker walks off.

Middle Card Promo
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 greets Grand Rapids and calls out Triple H '98. They engage in a heated battle of words that Triple H gets a slight edge over. The summary is basically: Austin is always ready to fight Triple H anytime and anywhere and Triple H is out to prove to everybody that he is greater than “The Rattlesnake”.

Match #2
Tag Team Match
The Nation of Domination (Faarooq & D'Lo Brown) vs Too Cool (Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty)
Winner: The Nation of Domination

Show Closer Promo
The NEW WWE Champion Shawn Michaels '98 comes out to celebrate his championship victory over The Rock last night at WWE Bad Blood. He says that he plans on taking on all-comers.

Backstage, Mr. McMahon is trying to give Kane a pep talk but “The Big Red Machine” doesn't want to hear it.

Match #3
Main Event
WWE European Championship
Normal Match
Sting '99 vs Kane '98
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE European Champion: Kane '98 (Chokeslam)


Motivated by frustration, Steve Austin '97 called out his rival of recent weeks after being on the losing end. Triple H '98 answered to a tense exchange between the two Superstars, teasing a clash between them in the coming weeks (Perhaps at the WWE Great American Bash).

WWE Intercontinental Champion The Undertaker '00 and Dude Love were scheduled into a tag match that went disastrous for them. Both Superstars were clearly focused on trying to one-up each other before their title match.


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