Monday, June 18, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Impact Wrestling: Gold Rush (June.Week 3)

TNA Impact Wrestling: Gold Rush
June, Week 3, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Slammiversary Rematch
Normal Match
Al Snow vs Mahabali Shera
Winner by pinfall: Mahabali Shera (Sky High)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Snow goes to attack Shera from behind but is repelled and clotheslined out of the ring.

Match #2
TNA King of the Mountain Championship
Normal Match
Eli Drake (c) vs Joseph Park
Winner by pinfall and STILL TNA King of the Mountain Champion: Eli Drake (Gravy Train)

Match #3
TNA Knockouts Championship
Slammiversary Rematch
Normal Match
Gail Kim (c)(w/Jade) vs Sienna (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett & Allie)
Winner by pinfall and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Sienna (*** Very Good)

Match #4
TNA X Division Championship
Normal Match
Davey Richards (c) vs Mark Andrews
Winner by pinfall and NEW TNA X Division Champion: Mark Andrews (Shooting Star Press)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Richards offers Andrews a handshake that is accepted before Richards raises Andrews' arm in a sign of good sportsmanship.

Match #5
TNA World Tag Team Championships
Slammiversary Rematch
Tag Team Match
Ethan Carter III & “The Rockstar” Drake Maverick (c) vs The Hardys (Jeff & Matt Hardy)
Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: Ethan Carter III & “The Rockstar” Drake Maverick

Match #6
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Slammiversary Rematch
Main Event
Normal Match
Eli Drake (c) vs Eddie Edwards
Winner by pinfall and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Edwards (*** ½ Great)


Mahabali Shera defeated Al Snow, avoiding a frustrated and desperate attack by the loser and adding more significance to his victory.


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