Thursday, June 28, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (July.Week 1)

WWE Live '91
July, Week 1, Year 1
Tucson, AZ

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke)
Winners: The Bushwhackers

Match #2
Normal Match
Mr. Perfect (w/Andre The Giant & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs Razor Ramon (w/Diesel)
Winner by pinfall: Mr. Perfect (Perfect-Plex)

Match #3
Normal Match
The Ultimate Warrior vs “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (w/Irwin R. Schyster)
Winner by submission: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (Million Dollar Dream)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: DiBiase decides against leaving to stomp away at Warrior.

Middle Card Promo
The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes calls out Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
The Undertaker '91 vs Haku
Pre-Match: Undertaker makes his entrance when he is attacked on the ramp by “The Macho Man” Randy Savage prompting officials to call for backup to restrain “Macho Man”. Will Haku capitalize?
Winner by submission: Haku (Tongan Death Grip)(***** Greatest of All-Time)

Match #5
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 vs Shawn Michaels '97
Winner by submission: Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 (Sharpshooter)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Shawn Michaels goes to attack Bret Hart but is repelled and clotheslined out of the ring by “The Hitman”.

Match #6
World Tag Team Championships
Main Event
Tag Team Match
The Dream Team (Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake & Greg “The Hammer” Valentine)(c) vs The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)
Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team


The WWE Champion Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 defeated Shawn Michaels '97, avoiding a frustrated and desperate attack by the loser and adding more significance to his victory.

Randy Savage delivered payback against The Undertaker with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Haku has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

Dusty Rhodes called out Jake Roberts to the ring to confront him about his actions last week. The two hot-tempered Superstars stopped exchanging words and started exchanging fists!

Earthquake has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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