Thursday, November 15, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: Ring of Honor Wrestling (Sep.W4.16)

Ring of Honor Wrestling
on WWE 2K18
Friday.September.Week 4.2016
Dallas, TX

ROH All-Star Extravaganza VIII is just days away!

Two weeks ago on Ring of Honor Wrestling, Christopher Daniels attacked Lio Rush before their match. Lio would get some payback the following week with an attack of his own. Tonight, Daniels wants to teach Lio a lesson just days before their match at All-Star Extravaganza VIII where Daniels plans to put Lio out of his misery.

Match #1
Ring of Honor Pure Championship Tournament
Quarter Final Round
Normal Match
Jay Lethal vs Jonathan Gresham
Winner by pinfall: Jonathan Gresham! (Shooting Star Press)

Match #2
Normal Match
Adam Cole vs ACH
Winner by pinfall: ACH (Brainbuster)

Match #3
Ring of Honor Pure Championship Tournament
Quarter Final Round
Normal Match
Hangman Page vs Matt Taven
Winner by pinfall: Hangman Page (Rite of Passage)

Match #4
Tag Team Match
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe)
Winners: The Briscoes (Doomsday Device on Shelley)

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Christopher Daniels vs Lio Rush
Pre-Match: Rush awaits Daniels in the ring who goads Rush into meeting him on the outside where Daniels rams him into the ring apron before an all-out brawl breaks out.
Winner: Christopher Daniels (*** Very Good)


Lio Rush's and Christopher Daniels's match broke down into a brawl before it even started!

Average Match Rating: ***


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