Thursday, May 23, 2019

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Impact Wrestling (Nov.W2.16)

TNA Impact Wrestling
on WWE 2K18
November.Week 2.2016
Orlando, FL

Show Opener Promo
The former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Lee comes out and refuses to accept the outcome of Eli Drake defeating him and becoming the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Trevor Lee went through too much putting away former champions like Eddie Edwards twice and winning the rivalry that everybody said that Trevor Lee would lose. As well as Trevor Lee retaining the title against “The Destroyer” Bobby Lashley, a match that everybody said that Trevor Lee wouldn't even survive.

So Trevor Lee calls out Eli Drake for a title rematch right here tonight. It doesn't matter that the loser fans don't deserve it. “The Technical Savage” wants to pick up where he left off and that is beating everybody left and right with that TNA World Title around his waist that nobody thinks he can hold on to.

Eli Drake comes out and facetiously says that he's got a very similar vision to Trevor Lee's. It involves Eli Drake beating everyone in his path with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship around his shoulder. A vision so bright that it's going to make everybody forget that Trevor Lee even won the TNA World Heavyweight Title. Drake accepts Trevor's rematch challenge only because Eli wants to get to work quickly on overshadowing Trevor's reign.
Promo Battle Winner: Trevor Lee

Match #1
Tag Team Match
The Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) vs Ethan Carter III & Mark Andrews
Winners: The Wolves (Butterfly Piledriver from Richards on Andrews)

Match #2
8-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
DJ Z vs Robbie E vs Braxton Sutter vs Al Snow vs The Hurricane vs Grado vs “The Destroyer” Bobby Lashley vs Tyrus
Hurricane immediately eliminated by Al Snow
Sutter eliminated by Lashley
Grado eliminated by Tyrus
Robbie eliminated by Tyrus
DJ Z eliminated by Tyrus (Clothesline)
Snow eliminated by Tyrus
Tyrus eliminated by Lashley (Running Powerslam)
Winner: “The Destroyer” Bobby Lashley

Last week on Impact Wrestling, Allie delivered payback against Laurel Van Ness with an attack of her own, angered by her rival's actions from two weeks ago where Van Ness assaulted Allie after their match. Tonight, Allie and Laurel must team up to face the Lady Squad of Maria Bennett and Sienna, the TNA Women's Champion who was originally scheduled to have a championship match tonight against Gail Kim until Maria pulled enough strings to postpone that title match so Maria and Sienna could team up tonight. Will Laurel play fair? Or will this be a glorified three on one handicap match?

Match #3
Tag Team Match
Allie & Laurel Van Ness vs Sienna & Maria Bennett
Pre-Match: Allie goes to start the match before Laurel tags herself in much to Allie's annoyance.
Mid-Match: In spite, Allie tags herself back in which leads to Laurel flooring Allie with a vicious right hand before walking to the back and abandoning Allie in the match.
Winners: Sienna & Maria Bennett (**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Laurel Van Ness appears on the stage to stare down Allie who calls her down to the ring to fight. Allie has sure come along way from being Maria's meek assistant.

Match #4
#1 Contender's Match for the TNA Global Television Championship
Normal Match
The Miracle” Mike Bennett vs Moose
Winner by pinfall and #1 contender: Moose (Discus Lariat)(*** ½ Great)

Match #5
TNA World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff Hardy)(c) vs The DCC (“Cowboy” James Storm & Kenneth Cameron)
Winners by count out: THE DCC
STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Hardy Boyz

Match #6
Main Event
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Eli Drake (c) vs Trevor Lee
Winner by pinfall and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Eli Drake (B.F.T.)


Mike Bennett has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

The animosity between rivals reaches a boiling point, after Laurel Van Ness attacked Allie during their tag team match and left her partner alone in the ring to finish the match!


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