Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Starrcade (Dec.W4.16)

WCW Starrcade
December.Week 4.2016
Washington, D.C.

Video Package: The main event of Starrcade tonight will feature the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg '98 taking on Sting '99. Two World Championship Wrestling Legends collide tonight!

Kicking off Starrcade: “The Total Package” Lex Luger takes on the nWo's Curt Hennig in a grudge match. Three weeks ago on Nitro, Luger was slated to take on Vader but was attacked by Hennig before the match who was looking to make some big waves upon his return to the New World Order.

The following week on Nitro, “The Total Package” would get some payback with an attack of his own. However, Hennig would go on to win their match that night despite Lex's retaliation. Luger would stew for one entire week in the embarrassment of this incident.

Last week on Nitro, Luger would gain redemption with a huge non-title victory over the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg. Lex's jubilation would be fleeting though as he was immediately attacked by Curt Hennig after the match.

Earlier this week on Nitro, “The Total Package” called out Curt Hennig just six days before their Starrcade match. This big preview match was slated to main event Nitro but never took place as Hennig once again attacked Luger from behind before the match could start, ignoring the referee's orders to stop and having the match called off. Fighting continued between the two rivals as it became clear that Hennig never intended to take on Luger on Nitro in Denver, Colorado. However, there will be nowhere for Hennig to run tonight!

Match #1
Normal Match
Curt Hennig vs “The Total Package” Lex Luger
Winner: Curt Hennig
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Hennig-Plex
Post-Match: Hennig celebrates and then leaves. He suddenly stops short on the entrance-way and decides to grab a steel chair from under the ring. He wails away at Luger with it as Michael Cole implores the official to get in there and stop Hennig. Another statement made by the nWo tonight.
Rating: *** ½ Great

Match #2
Six-Man Tag Team Match
Bam Bam Bigelow, “Stunning” Steve Austin & Lord Steven Regal vs Sabu & The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)
Winners: Sabu & The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)
Method: Pinfall from Morton on Regal
Finish: The DDT

Earlier: The reigning WCW Hardcore Champion and WCW Cruiserweight Champion Brian Pillman was eager to continue to add to his collection of WCW gold tonight and issued a challenge to the WCW World Television Champion Vader tonight. Fit Finlay interjected himself and stated that he has yet to receive a championship rematch against Vader for the WCW World Television Championship and made his claim for a title match tonight. Vader accepted both challenges and said that he is looking forward to destroying them both tonight.

Match #3
WCW World Television Championship
Triple Threat Match
Vader (c) vs Brian Pillman vs Fit Finlay
Winner and NEW WCW World Television Champion: Brian Pillman
Method: Pinfall from Pillman on Finlay
Finish: Springboard Clothesline

Last Week on Nitro: WWE RAW Superstar Seth Rollins crashed Nitro not too dissimilar to when The Outsiders crashed Nitro many years ago. He talked about the reveal himself as the one who burned down the Warehouse that contained countless iconic items from sports entertainment's greatest legends. He did it to make a statement. It's time to “be like no one” and burn down the past to build for the future and “The Architect” is here on Monday Nitro to do just that.

One of the items that prominently went up in flames was none other than the priceless robe of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '91. Flair immediately came down to the ring and got in Rollins' face. For Flair it was not about the burning of his robe. It was about what that act of arson represented. A brazen disrespect that Seth thinks will get him the spotlight that he desires. What Rollins fails to realize is that you don't tug on Superman's cape and you don't go angering “The Nature Boy”! A big challenge was made and a match at Starrcade was set.

One of WCW's greatest legends of the past takes on one of WWE's hottest Superstars today! Will “The Nature Boy” avenge himself of Seth Rollins' disrespect of arson? Or will the arsonist architect make a statement tonight by taking down the legendary owner of the now-burnt robe?

Match #4
Normal Match
Ric Flair '91 (w/Arn Anderson & Dean Malenko) vs Seth Rollins
Mid-Match: Malenko slides Flair a chair before he distracts the official, allowing Flair to nail Rollins in the gut with it in the corner. Malenko would distract Rollins as well as the official several times during this bout.
Winner: Seth Rollins
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Ripcord Knee

Last Month on Nitro: The Outsiders defeated The Wolf Pack to win the WCW World Tag Team Championships for the first time this season (WWE 2K18). Since then, Kevin Nash and Sting '98 have picked up a victory over each other with Sting besting Nash in a promo battle this past Monday on Nitro. Tonight, The Wolf Pack have their championship rematch opportunity. Will they reclaim the gold? Or will the nWo make a claim for dominance with a successful championship defense?

Match #5
WCW World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)(c)(w/Ted DiBiase) vs The Wolf Pack (Sting '98 & Disco Inferno)
Winners and NEW WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Wolf Pack (Sting '98 & Disco Inferno)
Method: Pinfall from Disco on Nash
Finish: Nash-attempted Scorpion Death Drop countered into a vertical suplex by Sting

Two weeks ago on Nitro: One week after defeating Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, the WCW United States Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart '98 was eager for a challenge worthy of “The Hitman” and the WCW United States Championship because Bret claims that as long as he is the WCW United States Champion then he is Nitro's true top champion. And thus “The Hitman” would go on to challenge former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page '98 to a championship match at Starrcade. Will Bret pick up a big victory over a WCW Legend? Or will Hart continue to cement his legendary legacy by defeating the former world champ and continue to raise the prestige of the WCW United States Championship?

Match #6
WCW United States Championship
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '98 (c) vs Diamond Dallas Page '98
Winner and STILL WCW United States Champion: Bret “Hitman” Hart '98
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Low Blow

Three Weeks ago on Nitro: The WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg called out Sting '99 as his next challenger for a championship match for the main event of Starrcade. Sting has been the franchise player for WCW and now it's time for Goldberg to take him down, take that torch and become the true top franchise in WCW...or so he says. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship was the first step, now Goldberg needs a win against one of the biggest WCW Legends thus surpassing Sting's legacy.

Sting accepted Goldberg's challenge and was honored to be held in such esteem but he warned the champ not to take him lightly because Sting isn't just going to fold over easily. This is going to be one of the biggest marquee matches in WCW history where two of WCW's absolute best will collide and Sting is confident that Goldberg's rampage is destined to be brought to a screeching halt by the man who has been watching Goldberg's rampage from the rafters. If the Scorpion Death Drop doesn't get him the Scorpion Death Lock will.

Match #7
Main Event
WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Goldberg '98 (c) vs Sting '99
Winner and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Jackhammer
Rating: ***** Greatest Of All-Time


Disco Inferno & Sting '98 have won the WCW World Tag Team Championship!

Sting '98 has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

Brian Pillman has won the WCW World Television Championship!

Curt Hennig picked up an aggressive win against Lex Luger!


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