Monday, June 22, 2020

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Main Event (Apr.W1.17)

WWE Main Event
Apr.Week 1.2017
Orlando, FL

THIS PAST TUESDAY NIGHT ON SMACKDOWN LIVE: The first part of the Superstar Shake-up began as Roman Reigns arrived on SmackDown Live from RAW, Kalisto resigned with SmackDown Live and Kassius Ohno debuted from NXT.

TONIGHT: Part one of the Superstar Shake-up continues with three new arrivals to Monday Night RAW!

NOTE: The following match took place before the events of Monday Night RAW and features “The Perfect 10” Tye Dillinger being drafted to the red brand before being drafted again the next night to SmackDown Live.

Normal Match
Darren Young (w/Bob Backlund) vs Tye Dillinger
WINNER: Darren Young
Method: Submission
Finish: Crossface Chickenwing

NEXT: “The Scottish Supernova” Noam Dar joins the RAW brand full-time from 205 Live!

Normal Match
Goldust vs Noam Dar (w/Alicia Fox)
MID-MATCH: Alicia distracts the official, allowing Noam to blast Goldust with a steel chair.
WINNER: Noam Dar
Method: Submission
Finish: Champagne Superkneebar

NEXT: “The Glorious” Bobby Roode arrives on the RAW brand from NXT!

Normal Match
Bobby Roode vs Enzo Amore (w/Big Cass)
WINNER: Bobby Roode
Method: Pinfall
Finish: Glorious Bomb
POST-MATCH: Roode decides against leaving to stomp away at Enzo and put a bold exclamation mark on his victory.
Rating: ** ½ Good


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