Thursday, December 17, 2020

My WWE 2K18 Results: The Independents on WWE 2K (June.W3.17)

The Independents on WWE 2K

June.Week 3.2017

Columbus, OH

LAST WEEK: Jimmy Havoc defeated Robbie E and assaulted him after the match as he looked to send a clear message that it would take more than an “imbecile” like Robbie E to stop him, despite Robbie E's best efforts.

TONIGHT: Jimmy Havoc's message has been received by many but tonight – one man has answered the call – Matt Riddle!

INTERVIEW: Jimmy Havoc responds to Matt Riddle accepting his challenge and calls him arguably just as big of an imbecile as Robbie E. Tonight, Havoc looks to make an even bigger example out of Matt Riddle!


Normal Match

Jake Crist vs Mark Andrews

WINNER: Mark Andrews

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Vertebreaker

POST-MATCH: Andrews offers a handshake that Jake accepts before raising Andrews' hand.

Rating: *** Very Good

NEXT: The #3 ranked Santana Garrett challenges the #1 ranked Cameron!


Normal Match

Cameron (#1) vs Santana Garrett (#3)

WINNER: Santana Garrett (#1)

Method: Disqualification

Finish: Cameron hit Garrett and the referee (inadvertently) with a foreign object (sledgehammer).

TONIGHT: Two teams with a claim to be wrestling's greatest tag team will clash! Who will walk out of Columbus, Ohio tonight with the claim to that nickname?


Tag Team Match

Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas vs The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)

WINNERS: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)

Method: Pinfall from Ricky on Shelton

Finish: DDT

NEXT: Tim Storm continues his quest for a NWA World Heavyweight Championship match. A win tonight would move him one rung up the ladder but a defeat would prove to be a painful setback.


Normal Match

Teddy Hart vs Tim Storm

PRE-MATCH: Teddy and Tim shake hands.

WINNER: Tim Storm

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Perfect Storm

Note: Squash!

Rating: **** ½ Instant Classic

TONIGHT: Al Snow was once a lovable lunatic who has now become a grizzled and surly man seemingly divorced from his beloved lunatic ways.

The Hurricane describes Snow as a man who once could be compared to a Batman villain but on the side of good. Imagine a Joker or Riddler fighting alongside “The Caped Crusader”. That was once “The Snowman”.

The emerald crusader has extended a hand to Snow to return to the old ways that the people dearly miss but has been rebuked. In return, Snow is looking to beat a lesson into The Hurricane so that he can comprehend through violence that Al Snow is no longer a lovable lunatic but instead a dangerous and calculating man.


Normal Match

The Hurricane vs Al Snow

PRE-MATCH: Hurricane and Snow shake hands. Is Hurricane right about there being a shimmer of light within Snow?

WINNER: The Hurricane

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Eye of The Hurricane

Rating: *** ½ Great

TWO WEEKS AGO: Stuart Bennett and Ryback of The Nexus defeated The Chosen Bros to win the vacant NWA World Tag Team Championships.

TONIGHT: The Nexus defend the titles against the inaugural NWA World Tag Team Champions of this season, The Exotic Express: Adam Rose and The Bunny!



Tag Team Match

The Nexus (Stuart Bennett & Ryback)(c) vs Adam Rose & The Bunny


Method: Pinfall from Rose on Ryback!

Finish: The Party Foul

INTERVIEW: Matt Riddle couldn't care less what people like Jimmy Havoc think of him. If Havoc wants to take him lightly then Riddle is going to eat him alive tonight, and that would probably make Havoc the biggest imbecile of them all.



Normal Match

Matt Riddle vs Jimmy Havoc

PRE-MATCH: Despite their heated words, Riddle and Havoc shake hands in a sign of competitive respect.

WINNER: Jimmy Havoc

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Discus Elbow Smash

Rating: **** ½ Instant Classic



Adam Rose & The Bunny have won the NWA World Tag Team Championship!

Countdown to WWE 2K19: 17 Days (In Universe Mode time)


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