Monday, October 4, 2021

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE Main Event (Aug.W2.17)

WWE Main Event

August.Week 2.2017

Dallas, TX


Tag Team Match

The Miztourage (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas)(w/Goldust) vs Titus Worldwide (Titus O'Neil & Apollo Crews)

WINNERS: The Miztourage (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas)

Method: Pinfall from Bo on Apollo

Finish: Rolling Cutter


Tag Team Match

Drew Gulak & Tony Nese vs Gentleman Jack Gallagher & Lince Dorado

WINNERS: Drew Gulak & Tony Nese

Method: Submission from Gulak on Lince

Finish: Gu-Lock

LAST MONTH ON WWE MAIN EVENT: Alicia Fox defeated Dana Brooke in their tie-breaking rubber match!

TONIGHT: Dana Brooke doesn't plan on just giving up and walking away. Since their match last month, Dana's undergone more intense training and is looking forward to seeing how she'll stack up against “Foxy” tonight!



Normal Match

Alicia Fox vs Dana Brooke

WINNER: Dana Brooke

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Snapmare & Handspring Splash

Post-Match: Dana foils an attempted attack by Fox.


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