Friday, July 1, 2022

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE 205 Live (Nov.W4.17)

WWE 205 Live

November.Week 4.2017

Sacramento, CA


WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander


                    1. Cedric Alexander (WWE Cruiserweight Champion)

                    2. Rich Swann

                    3. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

                    4. Kalisto

                    5. Akira Tozawa

THREE NIGHTS AGO ON RAW: The WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander and his #1 contender Akira Tozawa defeated Enzo Amore and Drew Gulak!

INSERT PROMO: Akira Tozawa is going to celebrate this Thanksgiving by beating down Enzo Amore’s right hand man, Drew Gulak. Enzo has been trying to insert himself into the affairs of the Cruiserweight Title picture in an effort to get himself a title opportunity but Tozawa says that he plans on closing down the Zo Show.

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: There is a Thanksgiving spread complete with a turkey and Enzo Amore is with Drew Gulak. Enzo tells him that he wants the Drew Gulak who will do whatever it takes to make a better 205 Live. He wants Gulak to soften Tozawa up, beat him up, take Tozawa's #1 contendership and give it to the man who has been carrying 205 Live on his back, Enzo Amore. Enzo spent his money on this spread and he wants this to be a Thanksgiving celebration that Tozawa will never forget.

INSERT PROMO: Gentleman Jack Gallagher talks about how he chose cruelty over being a clown but Richard Swann and Mustafa Ali continue to be clowns. The Brian Kendrick says that the wrong decisions will lead to cruel consequences.

NEXT: The rivalry between Rich Swann and Mustafa Ali and The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher reaches a boiling point with both duos ready for a fight in a Tornado Tag Team Match!


Tornado Tag Team Match

Rich Swann & Mustafa Ali vs The Brian Kendrick & Gentleman Jack Gallagher

WINNERS: The Brian Kendrick & Gentleman Jack Gallagher

Method: Pinfall from Gallagher on Swann

Finish: Gentleman's Dropkick


Ariya Daivari took a moment to defend Enzo Amore and explain that 205 Live’s profile has risen since the arrival of Enzo. Consequently, “The Persian Lion” has gotten richer since “The Certified G” arrived. Interrupted by his opponent Kalisto, who's no ally to Enzo, Daivari was silenced as Kalisto told Daivari that he looked stupid following around Enzo.

Ariya Daivari vs Kalisto



Normal Match

Ariya Daivari vs Kalisto

WINNER: Kalisto

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Listo Kick

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: The WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander meets with Akira Tozawa. They talk about Enzo running around like he owns the place when last time Cedric checked, HE was the Cruiserweight Champion around here. Cedric wishes Tozawa luck and tells him that he'll be in his corner tonight to even things up against Drew Gulak.


Enzo Amore plans on having Drew Gulak beat Akira Tozawa and beat him for the #1 contendership to the Cruiserweight Championship. Then Gulak will bestow Enzo the honor of facing Cedric Alexander this Sunday at Survivor Series for the Cruiserweight Championship.

After tonight, not only will Enzo be giving his Cedric his biggest payday at Survivor Series but he went out of his way to make sure that Akira Tozawa is remembered by having a Thanksgiving celebration. However, there will be zero presents. Enzo and “Gabba Gulak” brainstormed and decided to give Tozawa a great present in the form of a beat down at the hands of Drew Gulak!


Normal Match

Akira Tozawa (w/Cedric Alexander) vs Drew Gulak (w/Enzo Amore)

WINNER: Akira Tozawa

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Diving Senton


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