Friday, January 27, 2023

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE RAW '13-'14 (Mar.W3.18)

WWE RAW '13-'14

March.Week 3.2018

Rio Rancho, NM


WWE Champion '13-'14: Triple H '01

World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H '14

WWE Tag Team Champions '10-'16: Evolution (Randy Orton '13 & Batista)

WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee

WRESTLEMANIA XXX Line-up (Mar.W4.18)

  • WWE Championship '13-'14 Match: Triple H '14 (c) vs Arnold T1 vs Arnold T2 vs Daniel Bryan '13

  • WWE Divas Championship Invitational Match: AJ Lee (c)

  • Bray Wyatt '14 vs John Cena '13

  • The Rock vs Sting

  • André The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

  • Kane '12, R-Truth '12 & Kofi Kingston '12 vs The Wyatt Family

  • WWE Tag Team Championship '10-'16 Match: Evolution (c) vs Los Matadores


Normal Match

Justin Gabriel vs Goldberg '04

WINNER: Goldberg

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Jackhammer

INTERVIEW: Rosa Mendes hypes up the WWE Universe in New Mexico before turning on them. She says that the last time they were in New Mexico was in 2013 where she was nowhere to be found. Instead, Natalya defeated AJ Lee in tag action. So Rosa calls out AJ and proposes that they team up and call out Natalya only this time AJ will see why she should've teamed up with Rosa in the first place!


Tag Team Match

AJ Lee & Rosa Mendes vs Natalya & Eva Marie

WINNERS: AJ Lee & Rosa Mendes

Method: Submission from AJ on Natalya

Finish: Black Widow

INTERVIEW: AJ Lee shouts about how she is far and above the best Divas Champion in WWE today and she will prove it once again at WrestleMania XXX when she beats anyone that gets in her way!

INTERVIEW: Stephanie McMahon is asked about her thoughts on her time thus far as a competitor in the women's division where she's been consistently ranked near the bottom. After threatening the interviewer, she says that she can beat anyone at the top at any given moment. She's ranked where she's ranked as a way for her to demonstrate her benevolence in the face of those who'd say she abuses her authority. But now it may be time for the gloves to come off. Although she's not scheduled to appear at WrestleMania XXX, she does have a blockbuster bout next month at WrestleMania 34!


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Evolution (Triple H '14, Randy Orton '13 & Batista) & Arnold T1 vs Arnold T2, Daniel Bryan '13 & Los Matadores (Diego & Fernando)

WINNERS: Arnold T2, Daniel Bryan '13 & Los Matadores (Diego & Fernando)

Method: Count out from Diego on T1!


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