Thursday, June 8, 2023

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE 205 Live (Jun.W3.18)

WWE 205 Live

June.Week 3.2018

Memphis, TN


WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander

TONIGHT ON 205 LIVE: After his big win against former Universal Champion Neville last week, Mustafa Ali looks to increase his momentum tonight as he gets set to take on Hideo Itami!

LAST WEEK ON 205 LIVE: The Brian Kendrick met Gentleman Jack Gallagher in a rematch that resulted in Drew Gulak getting involved to assist Gallagher in beating down Kendrick, causing a disqualification!

NEXT: With Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher now firmly aligned against The Brian Kendrick, the veteran cruiserweight receives backup from a very unlikely source: a recent rival!


Tag Team Match

Akira Tozawa & The Brian Kendrick vs Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher

WINNERS: Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher

Method: Submission from Gulak on Kendrick

Finish: Gu-Lock


Normal Match

Kalisto (w/Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) vs Steve Irvin

WINNER: Kalisto

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Salida del Sol

Post-Match: Kalisto's opponent leaves disappointed.


Normal Match

Hideo Itami vs Mustafa Ali

Mid-Match: Ali is attacked by Neville, prompting a disqualification!

WINNER: Mustafa Ali

Method: Disqualification

Finish: Inverted Frankensteiner

ANNOUNCEMENT: 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick has accepted Mustafa Ali's request to face off against Hideo Itami and Neville in a Triple Threat Match next week on 205 Live!


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