Thursday, March 7, 2024

My WWE 2K20 Results: BCW (Aug.W3.18)


July.Week 4.2018

Fulton, New York

LAST MONTH ON BCW: Cole Quinn picked up a major victory in his career when he defeated X-Pac!

TONIGHT: Cole Quinn goes one-on-one with Kevin Nash!

BARRON BLADE: "Cole Quinn, last month you pulled off a massive upset against X-Pac, and tonight you're facing another Legend from The Kliq in Kevin Nash of The nWo! How do you feel about the challenge ahead?"

COLE QUINN: (smirking) "Last month was just the beginning. Beating X-Pac was a statement, and tonight, I'm here to make an even bigger one. Kevin Nash, you may be part of the nWo, but that doesn't intimidate me. That's kind of awesome, actually. But tonight, I'm stepping into the ring with a giant, and I'm ready to show everyone that lightning can strike twice."

BLADE: "Any concerns about facing someone with Nash's experience and size?"

COLE: (confidently) "Look, I know Nash is a big dude, but I'm not here to back down. The nWo might have been a force to be reckoned with, but tonight, they'll see that the future is standing right in front of them."


Six-Man Tag Team Match

British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate & Trent Seven) vs Matt Riddle, El Mago Jr. & Thunder Tiger

WINNERS: British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)

Method: Pinfall from Seven on Tiger

Finish: Seventh Heaven

LAST MONTH ON BCW: Mia Yim defeated Josie Jane in a rematch!

(Josie Jane sits on a bench, a little banged up from her previous matches with Mia Yim. She looks determined but visibly tired. The camera zooms in on Josie as she starts talking about her recent challenges.)

JOSIE JANE: "Yeah, Mia got the best of meagain last month, but that's not stopping me. I'm still here, and I'm always ready for a fight."

(A mocking laugh echoes in the background, drawing her attention. The camera pans to reveal Brooklyn Von Braun stepping into the frame, a confident smirk on her face.)

BROOKLYN VON BRAUN: (mockingly) "Oh, Josie, sweetie. Still trying to play the tough girl, huh? Well, I couldn't help but overhear that you're a bit banged up. How about I give you a chance to prove yourself tonight?"

JOSIE: (cautious) "Uh, what?"

BROOKLYN: (smirking) "I'm here to grant your wish, Josie. Tonight, you get the match you've been dreaming of – a rematch against me. But not just any match. Let's make it interesting. How about we settle our differences in your own game – a standard wrestling match!"

JOSIE: "Fine by me. You may have beaten me in MMA rules, but this is my territory. I'll show you what I'm made of."

As Josie accepts the challenge, Brooklyn chuckles and adds one more twist to the stipulation.

BROOKLYN: (tauntingly) "Get ready for another loss, sweetheart."

(Brooklyn confidently walks away, leaving Josie determined to prove her wrong. The camera lingers on Josie's face as she mentally prepares for the upcoming match, setting the stage for an intense showdown.)



Normal Match

Brooklyn Von Braun vs Josie Jane

WINNER: Brooklyn Von Braun

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Spinning Back Fist

NEXT: BCW Owner Barron Blade recently brokered a deal that would see NXT Superstar and former NXT Champion Aleister Black compete in BCW for a two-month excursion! However, with most of Barron's big guns having already competed against British Strong Style tonight, Barron must open up his wallet if he is to make use of Aleister some competition tonight.


Normal Match

Jerry “The King” Lawler vs Aleister Black

WINNER: Jerry “The King” Lawler

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Piledriver

BARRON BLADE: "Kevin Nash, tonight you're facing Cole Quinn, who recently scored an upset win against X-Pac. Any thoughts on your opponent?"

KEVIN NASH: (smirking) "Cole Quinn, huh? Kid's got some guts, I'll give him that. Beating X-Pac was impressive, but tonight he's in the ring with “Big Sexy”, the real deal. I've been through it all, and I don't plan on letting some BCW upstart make a name off me. This ain't gonna be a Kid versus Razor sequel tonight."

BLADE: "Cole Quinn has been making waves, even wearing the gear of DX and the nWo during his invasion of NXT with now-WWE Superstar, Buzz. Any response to that?"

NASH: (laughs) "Wearing the gear doesn't make you my peer. DX and the nWo were about brotherhood, about dominance. Cole Quinn may think he's playing with the big boys, but tonight, I'll remind him what it's like to step into the ring with a true icon. BCW may be his playground, but I'm here to show him this is still Big Sexy's world."


Normal Match

Kevin Nash vs Cole Quinn

WINNER: Kevin Nash

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Jackknife Powerbomb


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