Monday, August 19, 2024

My WWE 2K20 Results: WWE 205 Live (Nov.W1.18.Thu)

WWE 205 Live

Thursday.October.Week 4.2018

Newark, NJ


WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION: Drew Gulak (3x)(4D)[Since WWE 205 Live, Thu.May.W4.18 (2K20)]


1. Drew Gulak (WWE Cruiserweight Champion)

2. Akira Tozawa

3. Kalisto

4. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

5. Mustafa Ali


(Dark Match)

Normal Match

Buddy Murphy vs Akira Tozawa

WINNER: Akira Tozawa

TWO WEEKS AGO ON 205 LIVE: Mustafa Ali defeated Tony Nese via count out.

EARLIER ON SOCIAL MEDIA: “The Premier Athlete” Tony Nese chastised Mustafa Ali for being okay with winning via count-out and challenged Ali to a Falls Count Anywhere Match tonight on 205 Live!

TONIGHT ON 205 LIVE: In a rematch of their bout two weeks ago, Mustafa Ali will take on “The Premier Athlete” Tony Nese in a Falls Count Anywhere Match!

TWO WEEKS AGO ON 205 LIVE: Mike Kanellis made his shocking debut on 205 Live by attacking Lince Dorado! Despite 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick's displeasure with the attack, Kanellis and his wife Maria made it clear that they were poised to seize every opportunity, including Maverick's invitation to the Cruiserweight division.

KICKING OFF THE 100th EPISODE OF 205 LIVE: “The Golden Lynx” Lince Dorado seeks retribution for the attack ashe gets set to go one-on-one against Mike Kanellis!


Normal Match

Lince Dorado (w/Kalisto & Gran Metalik vs Mike Kanellis (w/Maria Kanellis)

WINNER: Lince Dorado

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Avalanche Spanish Fly & Shooting Star Press

LAST WEEK ON 205 LIVE: Kalisto became the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship after his victory in the Fatal 5-Way Match! Also last week, Cedric Alexander finally got his payback against Gentleman Jack Gallagher, leading the Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak to unexpectedly shake Cedric's hand.

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: Drew Gulak approaches Cedric Alexander and offers him a position at his side, preaching that together they can become one step closer to changing 205 Live for the better. After Gulak takes his leave, The Brian Kendrick approaches Cedric and advises him against joining Gulak.


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese

WINNER: Muatafa Ali

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Spanish Fly


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