Thursday, June 27, 2024

My WWE 2K20 Results: WWE RAW '16 (Tue.Oct.W2.18)

WWE Legends RAW '16

Tuesday.October.Week 2.2018

Memphis, TN


WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Rey Mysterio (1x)(0D)(Since WWE NXT '10, Apr.W2.18)

WWE EUROPEAN CHAMPION: Eddie Guerrero (x2)(2D)(Since SmackDown '00 Aug.W1.18)

WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS '10-'16: The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (The Rock & Mankind)(1x)(0D)(Since RAW '16 Tue.Sep.W2.18)

WWE DIVAS CHAMPION: Charlotte '15 (1x)(0D)(Since WWE Legends WrestleMania 32 Sun.Sep.W4.18)

WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION '01-'07: Rey Mysterio (1x)(1D)(Since SmackDown '00 Apr.W1.18)


  1. Kevin Nash (WCW World Tag Team Champion)

  2. Scott Hall (WCW World Tag Team Champion)

  3. Eddie Guerrero (WWE European Champion)

  4. Mankind (WWE Tag Team Champion '10-'16)

  5. Kurt Angle '06 (ECW World Championship '06-'08)

LAST WEEK ON RAW '16: After a backstage confrontation, the World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio defeated X-Pac!


X-Pac reveals that his challenge has been accepted and he'll be facing Eddie Guerrero for the European Championship next week on RAW '16: Clash of Champions. As for tonight, he has been granted a rematch against Rey Mysterio!

BREAKING NEWS: In order to prevent possible outside interference from Eddie Guerrero or members of D-Generation X, tonight's main event between the World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio and X-Pac will be held inside of a Steel Cage!

NEXT WEEK ON RAW '16: CLASH OF CHAMPIONS: “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle '06 will challenge Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship!


Normal Match

Kurt Angle '06 vs Eddie Guerrero

WINNER: Kurt Angle '06

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Angle Slam

NEXT ON RAW '16 IN MEMPHIS: “The Animal” Batista will go one-on-one against Memphis Legend, Jerry “The King” Lawler!


Normal Match

Batista vs Jerry “The King” Lawler

WINNER: Jerry “The King” Lawler

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Sit-Out Piledriver

LAST WEEK ON RAW '16: While Alexa Bliss was victorious in becoming the #1 contender for the Divas Championship, Charlotte's protege, Dana Brooke attacked Naomi from behind before their match could begin. As a result, WWE management have added Naomi to the Divas Championship next week on RAW '16: Clash of Champions, now making it a Triple Threat Match for the Divas Championship!

NEXT ON RAW '16: It will be a tag team bout of uneasy alliances as the Divas Champion Charlotte and her protege that she's angry with, Dana Brooke, take on Alexa Bliss and Naomi, two rivals of the women's division!


Tag Team Match

Charlotte '15 & Dana Brooke (w/Ric Flair '16) vs Alexa Bliss & Naomi

WINNERS: Charlotte '15 & Dana Brooke

Method: Pinfall from Charlotte on Alexa

Finish: Spear


Normal Match

Christian vs Nikita Rousakis

WINNER: Christian

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Killswitch

Post-Match: Rousakis leaves upset.

LAST WEEK ON RAW '16: Mark Henry defeated Papa Shango, becoming one step closer to an opportunity at the European Championship!

EARLIER TODAY AT THE GYM: As Mark Henry was working out, Papa Shango appeared in the mirror in front of him, leaving “The World's Strongest Man” unsettled.

INTERVIEW: Mark Henry knows that Papa Shango wants a rematch and will probably bother Henry by appearing in the reflection of his dishware until he gets one. So Mark calls out Papa Shango to meet him in the ring!



Normal Match

Mark Henry vs Papa Shango

WINNER: Mark Henry

Method: Pinfall

Finish: World's Strongest Slam

INTERVIEW: The Big Boss Man talks about the incident last week where he was interrupted by “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as he was talking about his plans to go after Eddie Guerrero and the European Championship, which then led to a brawl between him and “The Hot Rod”.

However, Piper may have just played right into The Boss Man's hands as Boss Man will now challenge Piper to a match next week on RAW '16: Clash of Champions where he'll beat Piper so bad that there'll be no other choice but to give Boss Man an opportunity at the European Title!


Scott Hall talks about The Outsiders' non-title victory last week against their RAW '16: Clash of Champions opponents: the WWE Tag Team Champions '10-'16, The Rock 'N' Sock Connection and how the nWo are about to get two new members in the form of those tag titles when he is interrupted by “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.

Piper is annoyed and incredulous that the nWo couldn't just stay on Nitro but sarcastically understands that The Outsiders have been a necessary part of RAW '16 to help keep The Hart Foundation away from The Kliq/D-Generation X. And now Hall and Nash have been rewarded with an opportunity at the WWE Tag Team Championship '10-'16.

Scott Hall threatens Piper for sticking his nose in business that doesn't concern him, something that Piper points out the nWo is more expertly familiar with. At this point, The Rock 'N' Sock Connection appear and surround The Outsiders alongside Piper when Hall dashes any hope of the nWo being outnumbered by introducing the nWo's benefactor.

Scott Hall vs “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

PROMO BATTLE WINNER: N/A (Hall wins brawl)


Six-Man Tag Team Match

The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) & “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase vs The Rock 'N' Sock Connection [The Rock ($500 Shirt) & Mankind] & “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

WINNERS: The Rock 'N' Sock Connection [The Rock ($500 Shirt) & Mankind] & “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

Method: Pinfall from The Rock on DiBiase

Finish: Sleeper Hold from Piper

NEXT: As Rey Mysterio gets ready to pull duty next week at RAW '16: Clash of Champions by defending both the World Heavyweight Championship AND the WWE Cruiserweight Championship '01-'07, cruiserweight veteran The Brian Kendrick gets ready to compete in a #1 contender's match for Mysterio's WWE Cruiserweight Championship '01-'07. Kendrick's opponent is a local favorite that nobody will be prepared for!



Normal Match

The Brian Kendrick vs Ribbie

WINNER and #1 CONTENDER: The Brian Kendrick

Method: Count Out

Finish: N/A


Steel Cage Match

Rey Mysterio vs X-Pac


Method: Cage Escape

Finish: N/A


Batista has suffered a minor injury during his match. Although still cleared to compete, the threat of further injury should be a concern on this Superstar's mind.

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