Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (April.Week 4)

WWE Live '91
April, Week 4, Year 1
Pontiac, MI

A video package opens up the show promoting the big match on Sunday at WWE In Your House between WWE Champion, The Ultimate Warrior and former WWE Champion, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels in a dream match. Tonight in Pontiac, Michigan, they will meet in a preview match when The Ultimate Maniacs converge to take on The Dudes with Attitudes!

The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Jake “The Snake” Roberts both have picked up a win over each other in the past several weeks. Tonight, they will face off in the rubber match!

The Big Boss Man wants in on the WWE Intercontinental Championship match at In Your House and has challenged The British Bulldog to a match tonight where if The Boss Man wins then he will be entered in the championship match at In Your House. Bulldog would accept the challenge but not before Bobby Heenan would cut a promo on how he would be in The Bulldog's corner tonight, not out of the goodness of his heart but to make sure that The Boss Man isn't entered into the Intercontinental Championship match this Sunday. Andre and Heenan will be there tonight to make sure that The Bulldog is the only one crushed on Sunday.

Match #1
Normal Match
British Bulldog (w/Andre The Giant & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs Big Boss Man '91
Winner by KO: British Bulldog (Running Powerslam)

This Sunday at WWE In Your House, Bret “The Hitman” Hart will take on “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair in a match with championship implications. The winner will surely be in position to challenge the WWE Champion coming out of In Your House. Which one of these legendary rivals will come one step closer to regaining the gold?

Match #2
Tag Team Match
The Hart Foundation (Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) vs Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect (w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan)
Winners: Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect (Figure Four Leg Lock from Flair on Neidhart)

This Sunday at WWE In Your House, the World Tag Team Champions, The Natural Disasters will take on The Dream Team with the championships on the line. Footage is shown of Typhoon defeating Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake last week. Can Greg “The Hammer” Valentine pick up some momentum for The Dream Team tonight in his match against Earthquake?

Match #3
Normal Match
Earthquake (w/Typhoon) vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (w/Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)
Winner by pinfall: Earthquake (3 ½ * Great)
Post: Earthquake decides against leaving and attacks Beefcake with stomps.

A vignette airs promoting the arrival of Sting '88 at In Your House.

Match #4
Tag Team Match
The Ultimate Warrior & “Macho Man” Randy Savage vs Dudes with Attitudes (Shawn Michaels '97 & Diesel)
Winners: Dudes with Attitudes (Sharpshooter from HBK on Savage)

Match #5
Rubber Match
Normal Match
The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Pre: Dusty awaits Jake's entrance as Roberts jumps over the barricade and attacks Dusty from behind to start the match.
Winner by pinfall: “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes (Bionic Elbow)(3* Very Good)



Jake Roberts attacked Dusty Rhodes before their match, determined to hurt his opponent!


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