Friday, March 2, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live: Extreme Rules '11 (May.Week 2)

WWE Live: Extreme Rules '11
May, Week 2, Year 1
Nashville, TN

Match #1
Normal Match
Sin Cara vs Tyson Kidd
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Sin Cara

Match #2
Normal Match
Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston (w/The New Day)
Winner by count out: Sheamus (1 ½ * Lackluster)

Match #3
Tag Team Match
Jack Swagger & Jerry “The King” Lawler vs Breezango (Fandango & Tyler Breeze)
Winners: Breezango (Single Leg Boston Crab from Breeze on Lawler)

Match #4
Last Man Standing Match
Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes
Winner: Randy Orton (RKO)

Match #5
Championship Opportunity
Ladder Match
Christian vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Del Rio countered a Neckbreaker off of the ladder, delivered a Diving Elbow Drop and proceeded to climb the ladder to victory)

Match #6
Tag Team Match
Kane & Big Show vs The Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
Winners: Kane & Big Show (Claw Hold from Kane on Anderson)

Match #7
Triple Threat Steel Cage Match
John Cena '10 vs Bray Wyatt vs The Miz
Winner: The Miz!


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