Wednesday, March 28, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Over The Edge (May.Week 4)

WWE Over The Edge
May, Week 4, Year 1
Kansas City, MO

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Edge & Christian vs The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher)
Winners: Edge & Christian (Killswitch from Christian on Thrasher)

WWE under siege? WCW has arrived in the WWE and is already looking to capture WWE gold! The Big Boss Man '99 is on the front lines of this invasion and is looking to quell this fire before it even breaks out.

Match #2
WWE European Championship
Normal Match
Sting '99 vs Big Boss Man '99
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE European Champion: Sting '99 (Scorpion Death Drop)

Last month at WWE Backlash, Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 defeated Triple H '98 with the Stone Cold Stunner. Since then, Triple H '98 has vehemently demanded a rematch and wants to prove that “The Rattlesnake” is all talk and no bite.

Match #3
Normal Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 vs Triple H '98
Winner by pinfall: Triple H '98 (Pedigree)

It all started with respect. It all started when the WWE Women's Champion, Jacqueline said that sometimes it felt like no matter how much of a great champion Jacqueline is right now, people only want to remember someone like Trish Stratus. Jacqueline would add that she has great respect for Trish but she's in this game to be the greatest. Mutated versions of these thoughts would get shared around in the locker room, eventually finding themselves to Trish herself who would take offense to them and would call out Jacqueline on RAW IS WAR. A war of words ensued that ended with Trish attacking Jacqueline before being pulled apart by officials. The following week on RAW IS WAR, Trish would torpedo down to the ring and pounce on Jacqueline with a furious attack. Jacqueline would reiterate her thoughts on how everyone always remembers Trish despite the fact that Jacqueline is the champion but now Jacqueline says that she has no more respect for Trish. Jacqueline now wants to take out Trish and end everybody's favorite female Superstar. Then the only Women's Champion that anyone will ever talk about will be Jacqueline!

Footage is then shown of Jacqueline attacking Trish's opponent before her match this past Monday on RAW IS WAR. Jacqueline would take the opportunity to attack Trish and lay her out with a DDT. Jacqueline wants to take out Trish, retain her WWE Women's Championship and add to her legacy. Trish wants retribution and the gold around her waist!

Match #4
WWE Women's Championship
Extreme Rules
Jacqueline (c) vs Trish Stratus
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE Women's Champion: Trish Stratus (Chick Kick)(4* Amazing)

Due to a minor injury, Eddie Guerrero's WWE Intercontinental Championship match will be slightly postponed. Guerrero cuts a promo about how he still wants that match with The Undertaker and adds that he will be rooting for “The Dead Man” tonight.

Match #5
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Extreme Rules Match
The Undertaker '00 (c) vs Big Show '00
Winner by submission and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Undertaker '00 (TCB)

Footage is shown of Chris Jericho '00 defeating The Rock '01 last month at WWE Backlash to become the new WWE Champion. Rock would raise Jericho's arm in a sign of good sportsmanship after the match but would then go on to claim that Jericho's reign would be a short one since The Rock and Y2J are on two different levels. The Rock plans on regaining the WWE Championship tonight and Jericho looks to prove that he belongs at the very top of the WWE ladder.

Match #6
WWE Championship
Extreme Rules Match
Chris Jericho '00 (c) vs The Rock '01
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE Champion: The Rock '01 (Rock Bottom)

Kurt Angle '01 has claimed that Shawn Michaels '98 feels threatened by him because he knows that Angle can steal the show better than Shawn ever can. Angle has accused HBK of having an inferiority complex whenever Angle and him are on the same show. Angle surmises that this is what has set Michaels off. HBK rebuts by saying that Angle is mistaken if he thinks that he can just steal the spotlight away from HBK. Michaels continued on by saying that he thought that he was finished with Angle last month at Backlash when he defeated Angle with the Sweet Chin Music and then beat him up some more after the match. Shawn even beat Angle up some more the following night on RAW IS WAR to drive the point home. HBK accuses WWE management of trying to stir the pot between Shawn and Kurt in what Shawn called a dead issue at the time. The following Monday on RAW IS WAR, WWE management had the gall to pair Michaels and Angle together in a tag team match. Kurt would predictably use this as his opportunity to get even when he refused a tag from HBK and left him for the wolves. In the ensuing weeks, Michaels and Angle would both preemptively attack each other prior to their matches. In the go-home edition of RAW IS WAR before WWE Over the Edge, Angle brought a steel cage with him in order to use as an ambush tool against HBK who turned the table on the attack from Angle. The stage is now set for the score to be settled here tonight in Kansas City inside of a steel cage!

Match #7
#1 Contender's Match for the WWE Championship
Steel Cage Match
Shawn Michaels '98 vs Kurt Angle '01
Winner and #1 contender: Shawn Michaels '98

Shawn Michaels '98 defeated Kurt Angle in a big steel cage match, being named the new #1 contender for the WWE title!

Trish Stratus has won the WWE Women's Championship! Her merit as champion will be tested, as Jacqueline looks to get her title rematch soon.

The Rock '01 has won the WWE Championship!

WWE Champion, Chris Jericho '00 has suffered a back injury, but he insists on defending his title despite his disadvantage.


WCW's Sting '99 has won the WWE European Championship!


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