Monday, March 26, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (May.Week 4)

WWE SmackDown '00
May, Week 4, Year 1
El Paso, TX

Last Monday night on RAW IS WAR, WWE Champion, Chris Jericho and his Over The Edge opponent, The Rock '01 began competing in a pair of Pick Your Poison matches where each Superstar picks the other's opponent for the night. The Rock would choose his tag team partner and co-WWE Tag Team Champion, Mankind to face Y2J in a match that Mankind would come out victorious in. Surprised by the defeat, an angry Jericho would choose Rock's opponent for SmackDown '00 before RAW IS WAR even ended and the man he picked was Mankind. Both members of The Rock 'N' Sock Connection, the WWE Tag Team Champions would have to square off against each other. With Mankind's RAW IS WAR victory, he has been inserted into the WWE Championship match at Over The Edge. If The Rock defeats Mankind tonight then Mankind will be taken out of the match. The team of The Rock 'N' Sock Connection will be tested tonight!

Match #1
Normal Match
Brian Pillman vs Tajiri
Winner by pinfall: Brian Pillman (Springboard Clothesline)

WWE Women's Championship challenger, Trish Stratus calls out Jacqueline who laid out Trish with a DDT this past Monday night on RAW IS WAR. Trish is defeated in a promo battle by Jacqueline who now heads into Over The Edge with even more momentum than before. Can Trish cut off Jacqueline's momentum and win the Women's Championship on Sunday?

Match #2
Normal Match
Booker T vs Kane '98
Winner by pinfall: Booker T (Scissors Kick)

Eddie Guerrero comes out in front of his hometown crowd of El Paso, Texas and talks about how he doesn't need a championship to be one of the greatest of all time but sometimes you're just so good that you just find yourself answering the door for championship opportunity after championship opportunity and that's the case for this Sunday at Over The Edge where he will meet the WWE Intercontinental Champion, The Undertaker '00. Eddie is excited because he's never really had a rivalry with “The Dead Man” and he feels that the two of them could have really great matches together. However, the truth is that Eddie is simply looking forward to taking the Intercontinental Championship. This Sunday he will enter the graveyard and grave rob The Undertaker of his Intercontinental Championship!

Match #3
Tag Team Match
Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) vs The Nation of Domination (Faarooq & D-Lo Brown)
Winners: Too Cool

Match #4
WWE Hardcore Championship
Falls Count Anywhere Fatal 4-Way Match
John Cena '10 vs Albert vs Rikishi vs Batista '10
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE Hardcore Champion: Batista '10 (Batista Bomb on Albert)

Last week on SmackDown '00, Big Show '00 made an appearance in the ring to address his recent success, promising to pile on more wins to earn bigger opportunities in the future!

Match #5
Normal Match
Big Show '00 vs The Godfather
Winner by pinfall: Big Show '00 (Chokeslam)( 3 ½ * Great)
Post-Match: Godfather asks for a handshake but Show smacks his hand away and yells at Godfather to get out of his ring because he is stealing his moment.

A video package is shown promoting the match between “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels '98 and Kurt Angle '01 this Sunday at WWE Over The Edge. Both Superstars have been attacking each other before their matches for the past several weeks and the fans have chosen to get behind HBK which has set Angle off. It will be a WrestleMania 21 rematch on Sunday! Who will come out victorious?

Triple H '98 calls out his WWE Over The Edge opponent, Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 who comes out and trades barbs with Triple H. Austin eventually has enough and decks him which causes a brawl to break out that Austin gets the better of. Is this a preview of things to come at Over The Edge this Sunday?

Match #6
Pick Your Poison
Normal Match
The Rock '01 vs Mankind
Winner by pinfall: The Rock '01 (The Rock Bottom & People's Elbow)


The Godfather tried to commend his opponent on a well-fought match with a handshake, but Big Show '00 refused and ordered him out of the ring in a big display of disrespect!

Batista '10 has won the WWE Hardcore Championship!


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