Friday, April 20, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: ECW (June.Week 3)

June, Week 3, Year 1
Philadelphia, PA

Show Opener Promo
Former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Bam Bam Bigelow comes out and challenges NEW ECW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho '00 to a rematch tonight. Jericho comes out and states that ECW is now Jericho and that “The Flaming Beast From the East” has got himself a rematch tonight in Philly. Jericho bests Bigelow on the mic which leads to Bam Bam flooring Jericho with a low blow. A brief brawl breaks out that Bigelow gets the best of. Has Bigelow softened up the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion with this attack?

Match #1
Normal Match
Sheamus vs Big Show
Winner by pinfall: Sheamus (Brogue Kick)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Sheamus decides against leaving to stomp away at Big Show.

Middle Card Promo
The Miz talks about his history with WWE's ECW and how he learned a lot on the ECW roster. He then turns on the Philly crowd and says that it was all for naught because he was always bigger and better than ECW and if Philly doesn't believe him then he will take on and defeat all of their precious heroes tonight. Maybe then these morons in this dump will wake up and realize that The Miz is and has always been “AWESOME”.

Match #2
ECW World Television Championship
Triple Threat Extreme Rules Match
Scott Hall (c) vs British Bulldog vs Tatsumi Fujinami
Winner by pinfall and NEW ECW World Television Champion: Tatsumi Fujinami (Dragon Suplex on Bulldog)

Middle Card Promo
ECW World Tag Team Champion, Cactus Jack '92 cuts a promo on behalf of his championship partner, DDP '92 and says that DDP isn't here because he's frying bigger fish in WCW. DDP only wanted ECW gold simply because he good and he's that much better than everybody here mich like Cactus Jack is. Cactus Jack says that DDP will only show up when it's time to defend these ECW World Tag Team Championships, until then he refuses to be seen in this dump.

Match #3
#1 Contender's Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) vs The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke)
Winners and #1 contenders: The Dudley Boyz (3D)

Match #4
One on Three Handicap Match
The Miz vs Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle '06 & Cactus Jack '98
Winners: Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle '06 & Cactus Jack '98 (Angle Slam)

Show Closer Promo
Ezekiel Jackson states that he was the final ECW Champion and therefore the true ECW Champion. If Chris Jericho or Bam Bam Bigelow disagree then they can feel free to accept Big Zeke's challenge for an ECW World Heavyweight Championship Unification match!

Match #5
ECW World Heavyweight Championship
ECW One Night Stand Rematch
Extreme Rules Match
Chris Jericho '00 (c) vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Winner by pinfall and STILL ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho '00 (Lionsault)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Jericho offers a handshake but Bigelow smacks it off.


Tatsumi Fujinami has won the ECW World Television Championship!


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