Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: World Class Championship Wrestling (June.Week 2)

World Class Championship Wrestling
June, Week 2, Year 1
Fort Worth, TX

Match #1
Normal Match
Stunning Steve Austin vs Robert Gibson
Winnerby pinfall: Robert Gibson (Missile Dropkick)(3 ½ * Great)

Match #2
Normal Match
Rick Martel vs Ricky Morton
Winner by pinfall: Ricky Morton (DDT)

Match #3
Normal Match
Tatsumi Fujinami vs Col. Mustafa
Winner by pinfall: Tatsumi Fujinami (German Suplex)(3* Very Good)
Post-Match: Mustafa offers a handshake that Fujinami accepts.

Match #4
Normal Match
Kerry Von Erich vs “Ravishing” Rick Rude
Winner by pinfall: Kerry Von Erich (Discus Punch)(3 ½ * Great)
Post-Match: Kerry offers a handshake that Rude accepts before raising his arm.

Match #5
WCCW Texas Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Cactus Jack '92 (c) vs Kevin Von Erich
Winner by pinfall and STILL WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion: Cactus Jack '92 (Running Corner Knee)
Post-Match: Cactus Jack makes an emphatic statement by attacking Kevin Von Erich after the match and ramming him into the steel steps.

Match #6
Tag Team Match
Shawn Michaels '97 & Rikishi vs Ric Flair '88 & Andre The Giant
Winners: Shawn Michaels '97 & Rikishi


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