Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Impact Wrestling (June.Week 1)

TNA Impact Wrestling
June, Week 1, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Match #1
Slammiversary TNA X Division Championship Fatal Four-Way Qualifying Match
Normal Match
The Hurricane vs Davey Richards
Winner by pinfall: Davey Richards (Brainbuster)

There is plenty of punishment to go around for The Lady Squad. Maria and the TNA Knockouts Champion Sienna want to weaken the #1 contender Gail Kim heading into Slammiversary but they also want to punish Allie for daring to go into business for herself rather than for the glory of The Lady Squad. Because of this, Maria only sees fit to make a match tonight featuring the fastest growing friendship in TNA. It's going to be Gail Kim versus Allie because Maria wants Allie to know that the only people she should be concerning herself with is her superiors, Maria and Sienna.

Match #2
Normal Match
Gail Kim vs Allie (w/Sienna & Maria Kanellis-Bennett)
Winner by pinfall: Allie (Allie Valley Driver)

At TNA One Night Only: Victory Road 2016, the TNA Television Champion Eli Drake defeated the #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ethan Carter III. Since then Drake has been going around calling himself the new #1 contender until EC3 challenged him to a rematch that EC3 would ultimately win last week on Impact. Tonight, EC3 and Eli Drake will compete in the rubber match that will decide once and for all just who will be facing the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards at TNA Slammiversary in two weeks!

Match #3
Winner Faces Eddie Edwards For the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary
Rubber Match
Normal Match
Ethan Carter III vs Eli Drake
Winner and #1 contender: Eli Drake (Blunt Force Trauma)

Last week on Impact, Mahabali Shera called out the grizzled, old veteran Al Snow and stood up to the bullyish vet. Snow would go on to get the better of Shera on the mic'.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Kenneth Cameron vs Mahabali Shera
Winner by pinfall: Kenneth Cameron (Brighter Side of Suffering)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Al Snow appears on the stage to mock Shera who is angered by this and beckons Snow to come to the ring and fight him.

Last week on Impact, Drew McIntyre looked to have finally rid himself of the “Grado curse” by defeating Grado in a rematch last week that came as a result of a rematch challenge from Grado.

Match #5
Rivalry Match
Main Event
Normal Match
Drew McIntyre vs DJ Z
Winner by pinfall: Drew McIntyre (Claymore)
Post-Match: Grado appears on the stage and slow claps for McIntyre's win who is puzzled by this.


Grado appeared on stage to applaud Drew McIntyre for a strong showing in the match. Could there be respect developing between these two rivals?

Al Snow appeared on stage to mock Mahabali Shera after his match, continuing to get under his rival's skin.

#1 Contender for the TNA Knockouts Championship Gail Kim has made a complete recovery from her injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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