Thursday, June 7, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Xplosion (May.Week 3)

TNA Xplosion
May, Week 3, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Match #1
Normal Match
Abyss vs Davey Richards
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Abyss (Chokeslam)

Match #2
Normal Match
Allie vs Rosemary
Winner by pinfall: Allie (Allie Valley Driver)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Allie offers a handshake that Rosemary accepts before “The Demon Assassin” raises Allie's arm in a sign of good sportsmanship.

Match #3
Normal Match
Al Snow vs Mahabali Shera
Winner by pinfall: Al Snow (Snow Bomb)(** Average)
Post-Match: Snow decides against leaving to stomp away at Shera.


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