Monday, June 4, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: NWA (May.Week 2)

National Wrestling Alliance
May, Week 2, Year 1
Frankfurt, Germany

Match #1
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Abyss (w/Rosemary) vs Curt Hawkins
Winner by pinfall: Abyss (Chokeslam)

Match #2
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Mil Muertes vs Bestia 666
Winner by pinfall: Mil Muertes (Flatliner)

Match #3
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Daga vs Fallah Bahh
Winner by pinfall: Fallah Bahh (*** Very Good)

Match #4
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Adam Rose (w/The Bunny) vs Gran Metalik
Winner by pinfall: Adam Rose (Party Foul)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Rose decides against leaving to stomp away at Gran Metalik, looking to make a statement.

Match #5
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Mark Andrews vs “The Rockstar” Drake Maverick
Winner by pinfall: “The Rockstar” Drake Maverick (Frog Splash)(** Average)

Match #6
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Tatanka vs Braxton Sutter
Winner by pinfall: Braxton Sutter (Jumping Flatliner)

Match #7
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Jeff Cobb vs Noam Dar
Winner by pinfall: Jeff Cobb (Tour of the Islands)(Squash)(**** Amazing)


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