Thursday, July 19, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: ECW '06 (July.Week 3)

ECW '06
July, Week 3, Year 1
East Rutherford, NJ

Match #1
Triple Threat Match
Big Show '00 vs The Great Khali vs Tajiri
Winner by pinfall: Big Show '00 (Showstopper on Tajiri)

Match #1
ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Normal Match
Tazz vs Kurt Angle '06
Winner by pinfall: Kurt Angle '06 (Angle Slam)(*** ½ Great)

Match #1
ECW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Main Event
Normal Match
John Cena '06 vs Rob Van Dam '06
Winner by pinfall: John Cena '06 (Attitude Adjustment)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Cena offers RVD a handshake that he accepts before raising Cena's arm in a sign of good sportsmanship, much to the chagrin of the hardcore ECW faithful.


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