Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (September.Week 1)

September, Week 1, Year 1
Lafayette, LA

Tonight on RAW IS WAR, Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 and Triple H '98 will settle the score tonight!

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) vs The Alliance (Tazz & Lord Steven Regal)
Winners: The Alliance (Tazzmission from Tazz on Scotty)

Last week on RAW IS WAR,Albert picked up another aggressive win over Booker T!

Middle Card Promo
Booker T comes out to the ring and calls out Albert. They engage in a heated promo battle that ends with Booker attacking Albert, obviously frustrated over his two straight losses over Albert.

Match #2
Normal Match
Crash Holly vs D'Lo Brown (w/Faarooq & Kama Mustafa)
Winner by pinfall: D'Lo Brown (With his feet on the ropes)(** ½ Good)

Last week on RAW IS WAR, Jacqueline and Trish Stratus were scheduled into a tag match that went disastrous for them. Both Superstars were clearly focused on trying to one-up each other before their title match.

Match #3
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Trish Stratus vs Jacqueline
Pre-Match: Trish awaits Jacqueline in the ring as they jaw jack each other before engaging in a brawl at ringside.
Winner by pinfall: Trish Stratus (*** ½ Great)

Match #4
Normal Match
The Undertaker '98 vs Chris Jericho '00
Winner by pinfall: The Undertaker '98 (Old School)

Show Closer Promo
The NEW WWE Champion Shawn Michaels '98 comes out to talk about his victory over The Rock and Big Show '00 last week on SmackDown '00.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 vs Triple H '98
Pre-Match: Both Superstars start brawling in the ring as the official tries to restore order before he can officially start the match.
Winner by pinfall: Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 (Stunner)(*** ½ Great)

Tensions grow as the rivalry between enemies Triple H '98 and Steve Austin '97 continues.

Trish Stratus's and Jacqueline's match broke down into a brawl before it even started!

Booker T called out Albert to the ring to confront him about his actions last week. The two hot-tempered Superstars stopped exchanging words and started exchanging fists!

Triple H '98 has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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