Wednesday, October 10, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: Ring of Honor Wrestling (Fri.Aug.W3.16)

Ring of Honor Wrestling
on WWE 2K18
Friday, August, Week 3, Year 1
Toronto, Canada

Match #1
Normal Match
Vinny Marseglia vs Jonathan Gresham
Winner by pinfall: Vinny Marseglia (Diving Senton)

Match #2
Normal Match
Vinny Marseglia vs Cheeseburger
Winner by pinfall: Vinny Marseglia (Diving Senton)

Match #3
Tag Team Match
Coast 2 Coast (Leon St. Giovanni & Shaheem Ali) vs Silas Young & Beer City Bruiser
Winners: Coast 2 Coast

Last week on Ring of Honor Wrestling, Christopher Daniels attacked Lio Rush before their match, determined to hurt his opponent. Tonight, Lio looks for some payback.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Christopher Daniels vs Lio Rush
Pre-Match: Lio rushes down to the ring and jumps on Daniels with a flurry of strikes.
Winner by pinfall: Christopher Daniels (Angel's Wings)(** ½ Good)

Match #5
Main Event
Tag Team Match
War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) vs The All Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus)
Winners: The All Night Express (*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: The ANX beat down War Machine after the match as a way to make a statement to the ROH tag team division.


Lio Rush delivered payback against Christopher Daniels with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Average Match Rating: 3%


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