Wednesday, November 28, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: ECW '06 (Oct.W1.16)

ECW '06
October, Week 1, Year 1
Tucson, AZ

Show Opener Promo
The ECW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho '00 comes out to the ring and talks about never capturing the ECW World Heavyweight Championship until now and he plans on becoming the greatest ECW World Heavyweight Champion of all time. He reveals that there will be a battle royal up next to determine his next challenger. He wishes all of the Superstars luck especially the winner because he will ultimately need it the most.

Match #1
#1 Contender's Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship
8-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Eddie Guerrero vs Randy Orton vs Big Show '00 vs Edge vs Mankind vs Kurt Angle '06 vs John Cena '06 vs Christian
Guerrero eliminated by Mankind
Orton eliminated by Edge & Mankind
Edge eliminated by Cena
Show eliminated by Mankind
Angle eliminated by Mankind
Mankind eliminated by Cena (Attitude Adjustment)
Cena eliminated by Christian!
Winner: Christian!

Middle Card Promo
John “Bradshaw” Layfield comes out to the ring much to the chagrin of the ECW faithful in the audience. He states that he is here on ECW to represent the superior WWE. He brings up his assault on the ECW original, The Blue Meanie, at ECW One Night Stand 2005 and exhibits that as an example of his superiority. He calls himself the king of hardcore and there is no ECW originals that can prove him otherwise.

Tazz comes out and tells JBL that it looks like he's about to make a liar out of him tonight and adds that Tazz can whip JBL's ass in this ring as well as being a much better commentator. JBL laughs at this which only fires up “The Human Suplex Machine” further. Before any physicality can take place, Paul Heyman comes out and says that he actually enjoys having JBL appear on ECW because what better way is there to metaphorically kick the WWE's ass week in and week out? Heyman says that tonight's main event will be a delicious one for him as JBL will go one on one with Tazz! The segment ends with JBL laying out Tazz with a cheap shot.

Match #2
Normal Match
Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno
Winner: Hardcore Holly

Match #3
Normal Match
Superstar Steve Austin vs Rob Van Dam '06
Winner by pinfall: Rob Van Dam '06 (Five Star Frog Splash)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: RVD offers Austin a handshake that he accepts before raising RVD's arm.

Match #4
Tag Team Match
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) vs Tajiri & William Regal
Winners: Tajiri & William Regal

Match #5
Main Event
Normal Match
John “Bradshaw” Layfield vs Tazz
Winner by submission: Tazz (Tazzmission)

Average Match Rating: 4%


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