Saturday, November 21, 2020

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE NXT (June.W1.17)


June.Week 1.2017

Orlando, FL

LAST WEEK ON NXT: Asuka delivered payback against Peyton Royce with an attack of her own, angered by her rival's actions from two weeks ago when she was attacked by Peyton with a kendo stick.

TONIGHT: “The Empress of Tomorrow” walks the path to payback as she goes one on one against the new NXT Women's Champion Peyton Royce!


Tag Team Match

TM-61 (Shane Thorne & Nick Miller) vs Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic & Tucker Knight)

WINNERS: TM-61 (Shane Thorne & Nick Miller)

Method: Pinfall from Thorne on Tucker

Finish: Falcon Arrow

LAST WEEK ON NXT: The Velveteen Dream introduced himself as such and bragged about his victory over Roderick Strong at NXT TakeOver. Both Superstars have one win a piece against each other and The Dream intends to be the one to break that tie and put Roderick in his rear view mirror.


Roderick Strong calls out The Velveteen Dream and says that since they both have one win a piece against each other, why don't they have themselves a match to break that tie?

Roderick Strong vs The Velveteen Dream



Normal Match

Cezar Bononi vs Lars Sullivan

PRE-MATCH: Both shake hands.

WINNER: Lars Sullivan

Method: Pinfall

Finish: The Freak Accident

LAST WEEK ON NXT: Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano blame each other for their loss! Can they get on the same page against their rivals?

TONIGHT: #DIY take on The Ealy Brothers, an underrated, overlooked dark horses of the NXT tag team division that are no strangers to pulling up major upsets against established NXT tag teams. Will they take down Ciampa and Gargano next?



Tag Team Match

#DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs The Ealy Brothers (Gabriel & Uriel Ealy)

PRE-MATCH: Ciampa and Gargano argue over which one of them is going to start the match.

WINNERS: The Ealy Brothers (Gabriel & Uriel Ealy)!

Method: Pinfallon Ciampa

Finish: Samoan Driver

Rating: *** Very Good


(Dark Match)

Normal Match

Sarah Logan vs Bianca Blair

WINNER: Bianca Blair

Rating: ** ½ Good

LAST WEEK ON NXT: The team of No Way Jose and Hideo Itami defeated the NXT Champion Eric Young and ½ of the NXT Tag Team Champions, Alexander Wolfe, when Itami pinned the NXT Champion.


Normal Match

Hideo Itami vs Oney Lorcan

WINNER: Hideo Itami

Method: Pinfall

Finish: GTS

NEXT: After failing to put away the NXT Champion and leader of SAnitY, Eric Young, last month at NXT TakeOver, No Way Jose has been targeted by the deranged faction for daring to challenge them in this new era of NXT that they have claimed as theirs.


Normal Match

No Way Jose vs Killian Dain (w/Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe)

WINNER: No Way Jose

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Cobra Clutch Slam

Rating: ** ½ Good

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: Hideo Itami is beating down Oney Lorcan until officials alongside Roderick Strong oull him off of Lorcan. Strong is repeatedly asking Itami what is going which leads to a shoving match between the two.




Normal Match

Peyton Royce vs Asuka

PRE-MATCH: Asuka awaits Peyton Royce who jumps into ringside from the NXT Universe and ambushes Asuka from behind.


Method: Submission

Finish: Asuka Lock

Rating: *** Very Good



Peyton Royce attacked Asuka from behind, afraid of facing her rival head-on until their NXT Women's Championship rematch!


Frustration is building between Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano...

Countdown to WWE 2K19: 32 Days (In Universe Mode time)


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