Tuesday, August 30, 2022

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE 205 Live (Jan.W2.18)

WWE 205 Live

January.Week 2.2018

Columbus, OH


WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander


                    1. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

                    2. Noam Dar

                    3. Kalisto

                    4. The Brian Kendrick

                    5. Akira Tozawa


(Dark Match)

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Neville, Kalisto & Gran Metalik vs Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari & Noam Dar

WINNERS: Neville, Kalisto & Gran Metalik

Method: Pinfall from Neville on Gulak

THIS PAST MONDAY NIGHT ON RAW: Cedric Alexander defeated Akira Tozawa to once again regain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship!

TONIGHT: The Zo Train have issued their final warnings and tonight Enzo Amore looks to run Rich Swann off of the tracks!

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: Kalisto and Gran Metalik are giving Lince Dorado a pep talk when TJP bumps into Lince and tells “The Golden Lynx” and his masked pals to have some respect for the men of 205 Live that have actually won championships unlike them.


Normal Match

Lince Dorado vs TJP


Method: Pinfall

Finish: Detonation Kick

ANNOUNCEMENT: For the WWE Mixed Match Challenge, Nia Jax will team with Apollo Crews!

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: Enzo Amore is preparing for his main event match against Rich Swann when Tony Nese comes in seeking forgiveness and permission to re-board The Zo Train.

TWO WEEKS AGO ON 205 LIVE: Hideo Itami's 205 Live debut was spoiled by The Brian Kendrick who attacked and stomped away at Itami after the match.

LAST WEEK ON 205 LIVE: Hideo Itami was set to face The Brian Kendrick in a rematch when he was attacked from behind by Gentleman Jack Gallagher!


Gentleman Jack Gallagher explains his loathing of Hideo Itami and tells Itami that if he wants to get to his mentor Mr. Kendrick then Itami has to get through Gallagher. Believing Itami to be nursing his wounds, Gallagher revealed his machinations to ruin Itami's life. That prompted Itami to confront Gallagher.

Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs Hideo Itami

PROMO BATTLE WINNER: Gentleman Jack Gallagher

INTERVIEW: WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander is happy to once again have the Cruiserweight Championship around his waist and hopes that the upcoming rematch against Akira Tozawa will be the final chapter in their title rivalry. Goldust creeps in to give Cedric encouragement, saying that Cedric has what it takes if he just digs a little deeper.


Normal Match

Rich Swann vs Enzo Amore (w/Tony Nese)

WINNER: Rich Swann

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Phoenix Splash

Post-Match: Enzo begrudgingly shakes Swann's hand and raises his arm.


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