Saturday, March 17, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (May.Week 3)

WWE Live '91
May, Week 3, Year 1
Anchorage, AK

Footage is shown of Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake defeating Typhoon last week.

Match #1
Tag Team Match
The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) vs The Dream Team (Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)
Winners: The Dream Team (Figure Four Leg Lock from Valentine on Earthquake)(3* Very Good)

Match #2
Normal Match
Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Mr. Perfect) vs Sgt. Slaughter
Pre: Helmsley offers a handshake but then socks Slaughter as he looks to the crowd.
Winner by pinfall: Hunter Hearst Helmsley (The Pedigree)(3* Very Good)

The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Jake “The Snake” Roberts have been embroiled in a bitter rivalry for the past several weeks. Last week, in what they probably consider a cruel joke, they were forced to team up with each other in tag team action against The Hart Foundation. Dusty would try to make the best of it but Roberts could not just stomach having to team up with Rhodes and walked out on the match allowing “The Anvil” and “The Hitman” to pick up the victory. Tonight, Roberts says that he will demonstrate to Rhodes just what he can do to people that get in the way of “The Snake”.

Match #3
Normal Match
Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs Big Boss Man '91
Winner by pinfall: Jake “The Snake” Roberts (The DDT)(4* Amazing)
Post-Match: Roberts decides to grab a steel chair and is about to hammer away at Boss Man when Dusty Rhodes runs in and snags the chair away from Roberts who retreats as “The Dream” checks on Boss Man.

A video package is shown hyping the arrival of one of the greatest WWE Champions in WWE history, “The Living Legend” Bruno Sammartino!

Match #4
Normal Match
Col. Mustafa vs Bruno Sammartino
Winner by pinfall: Bruno Sammartino (Bearhug)(3* Very Good)

Match #5
Normal Match
The Ultimate Warrior vs “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase
Winner by submission: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (Million Dollar Dream)

Two weeks ago as “The Macho Man” Randy Savage was preparing to face Savio Vega, Vega would be attacked by The Undertaker who set out to take out Savage. The fearless “Macho Man” would engage in a brawl with “The Dead Man”. Savage would go on to claim in an interview that while most mortal men fear “The Phenom”, Savage does not and he would back up this claim by attacking The Undertaker last week before his match. Tonight, Randy Savage is scheduled for in-ring action against Tatanka, will The Undertaker make an appearance?

Match #6
Normal Match
Macho Man” Randy Savage vs Tatanka
Winner by pinfall: “Macho Man” Randy Savage (Diving Double Axe Handle)(4 ½ * Instant Classic)
Post-Match: Undertaker took his rivalry to a new height after assaulting Randy Savage with a kendo stick after his match.

Match #7
#1 Contender's Match for the WWE Championship
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 (w/Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) vs Diesel
Winner by submission and #1 Contender: Bret “Hitman” Hart (Sharpshooter)(3 ½ * Great)
Post-Match: They shake hands.


Undertaker took his rivalry to a new height after assaulting Randy Savage with a kendo stick after his match. These two Superstars will settle their issues in an Extreme Rules Match, and the winner will be declared the #1 contender for the WWE Championship!

Dusty Rhodes intervened against Jake Roberts's assault, preventing another vicious attack!


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