Saturday, June 2, 2018

My Results: TNA Impact Wrestling on WWE 2K18 (May.Week 2)

TNA Impact Wrestling
May, Week 2, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Last week on Impact, Drew Galloway came out fired up to the ring, still in disbelief over his loss to Grado two weeks ago week. Nothing against Grado but Galloway belongs at the top of TNA competing for that TNA World Heavyweight Title. He wants to fix his error of losing to Grado by challenging Grado to a rematch.

Match #1
Normal Match
Grado (w/Mahabali Shera) vs Drew McIntyre
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall: Grado! (Cutter)

Match #2
#1 Contender's Match for the TNA Knockouts Championship
One on One
Normal Match
Allie vs Gail Kim
Pre-Match: Both shake hands.
Winner by pinfall and #1 Contender: Gail Kim (Eat Defeat)

There is a lot of talk in the TNA X Division about Trevor Lee receiving another shot at the X Division Championship despite losing his championship rematch two weeks ago on Impact. DJ Z has spoken up and confronted Trevor Lee about this. “The Technical Savage” Trevor Lee is so confident in his abilities that he offers to put his opportunity on the line tonight in a match against DJ Z. This is more of an act of looking down on DJ Z rather than an offer of good sportsman-like competition.

Match #3
Normal Match
Trevor Lee vs DJ Z
Winner by pinfall: Trevor Lee (Orange Crush)(*** ½ Great)

Match #4
#1 Contender's Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
The Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) vs Ethan Carter III & Drake Maverick
Winners and #1 contenders: The Wolves (Double Underhook Piledriver from Richards on Maverick)

Match #5
Normal Match
Tyrus vs Joseph Park
Winner by pinfall: Joseph Park (Chokeslam)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Tyrus offers Joseph a handshake that he accepts before leaving Park to celebrate his big win.

Show Closer Promo
The Cowboy” James Storm comes out and talks about how Lashley and himself are basically competing to be the next person in line for a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. “The Cowboy” is already ready for a fight tonight and asks Lashley why can't they just duke it out tonight. Lashley comes out and declines. Although “The Destroyer” has already accepted Storm's challenge last week, Lashley would much rather do it on his time. Next week sounds good to him when Impact presents its May Mayhem special next Thursday. Lashley looks forward to use Storm as nothing more than a stepping stone to get back into title contention. Storm tells of Lashley who drops Storm with a right hand. A brawl ensues that ends with the official restraining Lashley.

Match #6
Normal Match
Kenneth “Bram” Cameron vs The Hurricane
Pre-Match: Cameron asks for a handshake that Hurricane is suspect of. This prompts Cameron to get in a cheap shot on the superhero.
Winner by pinfall: Kenneth “Bram” Cameron (The Brighter Side of Suffering)(** ½ Good)


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