Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: NWA (June.Week 1)

National Wrestling Alliance
June, Week 1, Year 1
San Jose, CA

Match #1
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
PJ Black vs Aero Star
Winner by pinfall: PJ Black (450 Splash)

Match #2
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Sami Callihan vs Angelico
Winner by pinfall: Angelico (Corkscrew Senton)

Match #3
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Davey Richards vs TJP
Winner by pinfall: TJP (Detonation Kick)

Match #4
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Ethan Page vs Tommaso Ciampa
Winner by count out: Tommaso Ciampa

Match #5
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament
First Round
Normal Match
Ezekiel Jackson vs Jimmy Havoc
Winner by pinfall: Jimmy Havoc (Acid Rainmaker)
Post-Match: Havoc attacks Jackson on the outside and rams him into the steel steps, intent on showing Jackson who the real ECW Champion is.


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