Sunday, July 29, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (July.Week 4)

WCW Saturday Night
July, Week 4, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

Match #1
Normal Match
Ricky Morton (w/Robert Gibson) vs The Great Muta (w/Lord Steven Regal)
Mid-Match: Muta grabs a bat from under the ring and nails Morton in the back with it for the DQ.
Winner by disqualification: Ricky Morton

Match #2
Normal Match
Michael “P.S.” Hayes (w/Jimmy “Jam” Garvin) vs Larry Zbyszko (w/Arn Anderson)
Winner by count out: Larry Zbyszko

Middle Card Promo
The NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion and Hall of Famer, “The Dragon” Tatsumi Fujinami and talks about his victory over “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '88 this past Sunday at WCW Bash at the Beach to regain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He is immediately interrupted by Flair says that Fujinami won't be a true champion until he defeats “The Nature Boy” one more time in a WCW World Championship rematch. Flair adds that the rematch will happen but Fujinami walking out of that rematch as the champion will not. The promo battle heats up until Flair eventually cheap shots Fujinami leading to a brawl that ends the segment.

Match #3
Tag Team Match
Dustin Rhodes & Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91 vs Cactus Jack '92 & Diamond Dallas Page '92
Winners: Dustin Rhodes & Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91

Show Closer Promo
Former WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page '92 comes out to the ring and states that he is a former WCW United States Champion that is awaiting his rematch. He calls out the current WCW United States Champion Sting '88 and tells him that it's time for their championship rematch. The championship bout will take place next month at WCW Clash of the Champions. DDP gets the last word in and ends the segment by winning the promo battle.

Match #4
Main Event
Normal Match
Jimmy “Jam” Garvin (w/Michael “P.S” Hayes) vs Robert Gibson (w/Ricky Morton)
Winner: Robert Gibson


WCW World Heavyweight Champion Tatsumi Fujinami gloated to the crowd how great of a champion he is until Ric Flair '88 interrupted to try to put him in his place, but Fujinami wound up on the receiving end of an attack that turned into a fight!


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