Saturday, August 4, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW (August.Week 2)

August, Week 2, Year 1
Minneapolis, MN

Tonight's main event on RAW will feature the WWE Tag Team Champions Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins taking on The New Day where if The New Day wins they will punch their ticket to SummerSlam in the form of a WWE Tag Team Championship Match!

Show Opener Promo
Nia Jax comes out to the ring and says that she wants Charlotte to remember that Nia came “this” close to beating her for the WWE Women's Championship and now that Nia is an official member of the Monday Night RAW roster it will only be a matter of time before that WWE Women's  Championship is around her waist. She then switches her attention to Sasha Banks and lets “The Boss” know that now that she's gotten what she wants (Main roster deals, TV time, championship opportunities and spotlight), she can find another form of backup because Nia Jax doesn't want to share the spotlight with anyone and doesn't want to be in anybody's shadow, especially someone as successful as Sasha Banks. Tonight, Nia Jax has a match against Paige and she looks forward to letting her know that her house is about to get demolished by a bulldozer named Nia Jax.

Tonight on RAW, there will be two Fatal 4-Way Matches. Tonight's winners will face off in two weeks and last week's Fatal 4-Way Match winners will face off next week. The last two Superstars standing will compete in a match at WWE SummerSlam for the WWE Universal Championship!

The World's Strongest Man” Mark Henry feels like an underestimated piece of the WWE roster. He feels as though his Hall of Pain has decreased in business. Almost as if he's nearing the end of a long ride. Henry says that he's not done yet and that if he's going to go out, he's going to go out with cataclysmic implications as he makes not one, not two but three inductions into his Hall of Pain tonight. “BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I DO!”

Jack Swagger talks about how he's been pulling out all the stops in an effort to revitalize his career. He was a World Heavyweight Champion before getting lost in the shuffle. Then a few big upset victories led to an opportunity at Money in the Bank versus five other Superstars. In turn, that opportunity gave him the chance to make a big challenge to “The Beast” Brock Lesnar at WWE Battleground and although Swagger wasn't successful that night, it was one hell of a match against “The Beast Incarnate”. Tonight, Swagger will be competing in one of the Fatal 4-Way Matches where the winner increases his chances of competing at SummerSlam for the WWE Universal Championship. Swagger hopes that this will be the pinnacle of all of his hard work because what better way to cap off his comeback story than with a big SummerSlam Universal Championship victory?

Kevin Owens says that Chris Jericho, Sami Zayn and himself are The New Millennia of the WWE and while Chris is off working as hard as he can to bring the WWE United States Championship back home to The New Millenia. He promises to avenge Sami Zayn before promising to give every fiber of his being tonight to make sure that he punches his ticket to SummerSlam and bring home the WWE Universal Championship to The New Millenia.

Match #3
Fatal 4-Way Match
The Rock vs Kevin Owens vs Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry
Winner by pinfall: Jack Swagger! (Gutwrench Powerbomb on Henry)

Two former members of 3MB, the undrafted Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal come out to the ring and demand WWE contracts. RAW General Manager Mick Foley mentions that there is interest in signing them but there's only interest in signing just one of them. Whichever one of them wins their match tonight.

Match #2
WWE Contract
Normal Match
Jinder Mahal vs Heath Slater
Winner by pinfall: Jinder Mahal (Knee Smash)(**** Amazing)
Post-Match: Jinder goes to leave but stops short at the ramp. He turns around and grabs a steel chair from under the ring before wailing away at his former tag team partner.

Match #3
Normal Match
Nia Jax vs Paige
Winner by submission: Paige (Cloverleaf)

A video package is shown highlighting the contributions of Latino WWE Superstars of the past such as Pedro Morales, Savio Vega, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio. Tonight, Sin Cara hopes to etch his name on that list by shocking the world with the biggest victory of his career. No one will be able to deny him if he makes it into the WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam. He only hopes that he can be a performer that Latino WWE Universe members can be proud of.

The Swiss Superman” Cesaro is another WWE Superstar involved in the possibilities of big implications in tonight's Fatal 4-Way Matches. He thanks Tyson Kidd for the great tag team run that they had before the WWE Draft. However, since the draft Cesaro has been waiting to make his mark and all of his waiting is over. Tonight, he's going to be one of the Superstars that shocks the world and makes an extra stride towards the brass ring with a major victory.

Before the WWE Draft, Finn Balor was an NXT Champion, defending the title against all-comers. Now Finn Balor is on Monday Night RAW on a path to challenge for the WWE Universal Championship. This is Finn's chance to show the entire WWE Universe what the buzz around him is all about.

Ever since WWE Extreme Rules, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman have always said that it would merely be a matter of time before Brock Lesnar suplexed his way right back into championship contention and here he is...about to take three other ill-fated WWE Superstars to Suplex City on his journey to SummerSlam where “The Beast” will then victimize whoever he needs to before placing a strange hold on the WWE Universal Championship.

Match #4
Fatal 4-Way Match
Brock Lesnar vs Finn Balor vs Cesaro vs Sin Cara
Winner by pinfall: Brock Lesnar (F5 on Cesaro)

A video package highlighting the events of last week's edition of Monday Night RAW is shown where the WWE United States Champion “The Viper” Randy Orton came out to celebrate his championship defense when Chris Jericho interrupted in a promo battle that would end in a brawl.

Coming up next on Monday Night RAW, “The Viper” Randy Orton will take on Corey Graves as the RAW commentator looks to show the WWE Universe that he can be much more than just an announcer. Apparently, Graves was spotted hanging out with The New Millenia members, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho and Sami Zayn over the weekend and many in the WWE Universe have speculated that this challenge from Graves stemmed from Chris Jericho himself. Is this simply an audition from Corey to gain membership into The New Millenia? Can Graves put on a good showing against “The Apex Predator”? Or has he bitten off more than he could chew?

Match #5
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Randy Orton vs Corey Graves
Winner by submission: Corey Graves! (Lucky 13)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: A frustrated Orton gathers his composure as Chris Jericho appears on the stage, the composer of this outcome. As a result, Orton walks up the ramp and engages in a pull-apart brawl with Jericho.

Show Closer Promo
The WWE Women's Champion Charlotte comes out and talks about how Nia Jax made her impactful RAW debut as a contender for the WWE Women's Championship. However, last week on RAW, Charlotte demonstrated to Nia firsthand just why she is the queen and why she is the WWE Women's Champion. She also gives credit to Sasha Banks for finding the perfect bodyguard in Nia Jax. After all of those beatings handed over from Charlotte to Sasha, she doesn't blame “The Boss” for enlisting back-up.

Charlotte says that she's out here because she wants to finish this issue she has with Sasha once and for all at SummerSlam. She challenges Sasha to a match at SummerSlam with her WWE Women's Championship on the line so she can show the WWE Universe once and for all her superiority. Sasha ends up winning the promo battle to end the segment as a strong statement is made from “The Boss”.

Match #6
Main Event
Tag Team Match
Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods)(w/Big E)
Winners: Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins (Ripcord Knee from Rollins on Kingston)


WWE Tag Team Champion Seth Rollins has suffered an injury, but he insists on defending his title despite his disadvantage.

Randy Orton attacked Chris Jericho back, leading to a violent brawl between them on stage!

Sin Cara has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.


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