Friday, August 3, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WCW Saturday Night (August.Week 1)

WCW Saturday Night
August, Week 1, Year 1
Atlanta, GA

WCW Saturday Night kicks off with a shocking appearance from an ECW Superstar, the “Extreme Superstar” Steve Austin who comes out and talks about his time as “The Stunning One” here on WCW Saturday Night and how the WCW didn't truly appreciate a Superstar like Steve Austin. Austin, always the bold one, calls out the WCW World Heavyweight Champion who obliges him with his presence. Austin talks about his extreme superiority and how WCW pales in comparison. A mutual challenge is made and Fujinami versus “Superstar” Steve Austin will happen tonight!

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Dustin Rhodes & Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat '91 vs Lord Steven Regal & The Great Muta
Winners: Lord Steven Regal & The Great Muta (Shining Wizard from Muta on Rhodes)

Match #2
Normal Match
Diamond Dallas Page '92 (w/Cactus Jack '92) vs Ricky Morton (w/Robert Gibson)
Winner by pinfall: Ricky Morton (Dropkick)

Match #3
Normal Match
Jimmy “Jam” Garvin vs Arn Anderson
Winner by pinfall: Arn Anderson (DDT)(*** ½ Great)

Middle Card Promo
WCW World Tag Team Champion “Freebird” Michael “P.S.” Hayes comes out and says that he's always looking to add more gold to his get-up and says that he's referring to his non-title victory last week over the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Larry Zbyszko. Hayes calls out Zbyszko and reminds “The Living Legend” that Hayes is also an AWA alumni. Hayes believes that his victory last week made him the true AWA World Heavyweight Champion to which Larry takes exception. Hayes challenges Zbyszko to an AWA World Heavyweight Championship match that Zbyszko accepts before telling the “Freebird” about how he'll show him why the AWA World Heavyweight Championship remains around his waist.

Match #4
Normal Match
Robert Gibson (w/Sting '88 & Ricky Morton) vs Cactus Jack '92 (w/Diamond Dallas Page '92)
Winner by count out: Robert Gibson

Show Closer Promo
The WCW United States Champion Sting '88 comes out to address former WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page '92's challenge last week for a championship rematch. Sting announces that he accepts DDP's challenge and the bout will take place in two weeks at WCW Saturday Night as Sting states that he looks forward to his next successful championship defense.

A clip is shown from last week's edition of WCW Saturday Night where the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Tatsumi Fujinami spoke to the crowd about how he promised to be a fighting champion until Ric Flair '88 interrupted to try to put him in his place, but Fujinami wound up on the receiving end of an attack that turned into a fight.

Match #5
Main Event
Normal Match
Tatsumi Fujinami vs “Superstar” Steve Austin
Winner by submission: Tatsumi Fujinami (Dragon Sleeper)(*** Very Good)


WCW World Heavyweight Champion Tatsumi Fujinami attacked Ric Flair '88 back, leading to a violent brawl between them on stage!

DDP '92 has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!


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