Thursday, August 9, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE RAW IS WAR (August.Week 3)

August, Week 3, Year 1
Houston, TX

Footage is shown of Triple H '98 last week apparently suffering an injury that would prevent him from competing. In his stead was “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri who would go on to exploit an injury that “The Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 has been known to suffer from. It has been heavily rumored that Triple H secretly tutored Tajiri before this match in order to make sure that Austin suffered complete and utter humiliation.

Triple H '98 has made a complete recovery from his injuries, and is ready to compete at full strength again!

Tonight on RAW IS WAR, since Triple H claims to still suffer from an injury, he has been paired up with his rival tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin where they will face off against the World Tag Team Champions The Rock 'N' Sock Connection, The Rock '01 & Mankind.

Show Opener Promo
The new WWE Champion, The Rock, comes out to the ring to celebrate his big victory from The Rock's show SmackDown last week. Big Show '00 cuts him off and tells Rock that Show won the tournament that guaranteed him a title shot at the WWE Championship. Show wants that shot next week on RAW IS WAR. Rock starts to make fun of Show who lays out “The Great One” with a vicious cheap shot. A brawl takes place that ends the segment.

Last week on RAW IS WAR, Booker T and Albert could not set aside their rivalry to win their tag team match. After weeks of getting underneath each other's skin, Booker T and Albert will square off next!

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Booker T vs Albert
Winner by pinfall: Albert (Baldo Bomb)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Albert decides against leaving to stomp away at Booker.
Middle Card Promo
Much like last week on SmackDown, Chris Jericho '00 once again comes out and talks about how everyone is talking about Shawn Michaels and The Rock but he is going to make sure that his name is in the WWE Championship conversation once again. How is he going to do it? Just like when he beat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the same night, Jericho wants to challenge a WWE Superstar that no one would think he could beat and that would shock the world if he did. Jericho is challenging The Undertaker '98 to a match! Jericho calls out “The Dead Man” who comes out to the ring for a promo battle against “Y2J”.

Footage is shown of the WWE Cruiserweight Champion The Hurricane picking up a big victory over the leader of The Nation of Domination, Faarooq, three weeks ago on SmackDown. Since then, Faarooq has been demanding a rematch that he will finally receive tonight.

Match #2
Normal Match
The Hurricane vs Faarooq (w/Kama Mustafa & D'Lo Brown)
Winner by pinfall: The Hurricane (Eye of the Hurricane)

Middle Card Promo
Hardcore Champion Kurt Angle '01 comes out and talks about his plans to make the Hardcore Championship a respectable championship. One that people could be proud of. Instead of Superstars bashing each other with foreign objects, Angle wants to defend his Hardcore Championship under normal rules, which gets boos from the WWE Universe. Angle goes on about how he plans to redefine the term “hardcore”.

Mr. McMahon '01's Corporation currently consists of the chairman himself and his prized Superstar, The Big Show. Looking to strengthen his ranks, McMahon approaches former Corporation member Dude Love and offers him his place back in The Corporation but “The Dude” declines and says that he knows what the WWE under the oppression of The Corporation looks like and he refuses to take part in any kind of Corporation resurgence. McMahon respects Dude Love's decision and wishes him luck in his match tonight.

Match #3
Normal Match
Dude Love vs The Corporation (Big Show '00 & Big Boss Man '99)
Winners: The Corporation

Middle Card Promo
Sting '99 comes out to the ring and says that he wants The Undertaker '00 to come out to the ring and accept Sting's challenge face to face. So Sting once again issues THE challenge. “The Icon” vs “The Phenom” for The WWE Intercontinental Championship. WWE versus WCW. However, The Undertaker '00 does not appear. It appears as though mind games are at play here.

Last week on RAW IS WAR, Jacqueline attacked Trish Stratus before their match, determined to hurt her opponent and no doubt trying to soften up the champion before their championship match. Tonight, an angry Trish Stratus has called out Jacqueline for a match that she admits will really be a fight for her as she looks for revenge.

Match #4
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Trish Stratus vs Jacqueline
Winner by pinfall: Trish Stratus (Startusfaction)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Jacqueline kicks out but not in time to beat the three-count and goes into an angry rage over this development as Trish retreats to the ramp to celebrate with the WWE Universe. The official tries to calm her down but gets laid out for his efforts.

Show Closer Promo
Former WWE Champion “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels '98 comes out and says that he wants to activate his rematch clause for the WWE Championship next week on SmackDown. He urges Rock and Big Show to tear each other apart so that he can walk away from the fire as the WWE Champion.

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (The Rock '01 & Mankind) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 & Triple H '98
Pre-Match: Austin and Triple H argue over which one of them starts the match.
Winners: The Rock 'N' Sock Connection (Piledriver from Mankind on Austin)
Post-Match: Triple H argues with Austin about getting pinned before storming off.


Steve Austin '97 and Triple H '98 could not set aside their rivalry to win their tag match.

Triple H '98 has suffered a minor injury during his match, although doctors have cleared him to continue competing.

Jacqueline threw a tantrum in ring after losing to Trish Stratus in a non-title match, taking out her anger on the referee after losing her cool under the stress of their coming WWE Women's Championship match!

Albert continued to attack Booker T after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him!


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