Friday, October 12, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: Ring of Honor Wrestling (Fri.Aug.W4.16)

Ring of Honor Wrestling
on WWE 2K18
Friday, August, Week 4, Year 1
Chicago, IL

Match #1
Normal Match
Adam Cole vs Jay White
Winner by pinfall: Adam Cole (Last Shot)

Match #2
Normal Match
Matt Taven vs ACH
Winner by pinfall: Matt Taven (The Climax)

Last Sunday at ROH Death Before Dishonor XIV, Christopher Daniels picked up an aggressive win against Lio Rush and attacked him after the match with a steel chair.

Middle Card Promo
An angry Lio Rush comes and calls out Christopher Daniels. They engage in a a promo battle that Daniels almost wins when Lio lays him out. The brawl spills out to ringside where Lio slams Daniels into the barricade and leaves him laying.

Match #3
Tag Team Match
The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns

Match #4
Main Event
#1 Contender's Match for the Ring of Honor World Championship
Fatal Four-Way Match
Jay Lethal vs Hangman Page vs Michael Elgin vs Donovan Dijak
Winner by pinfall and #1 contender: Michael Elgin (Elgin Bomb on Page)

Lio Rush called out Christopher Daniels to the ring to confront him about his actions last week at Death Before Dishonor. The two hot-tempered Superstars stopped exchanging words and started exchanging fists!


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