Tuesday, October 16, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE 2K Tournaments: International Underground (Aug.W3.16)

WWE 2K Tournaments: International Underground
on WWE 2K18
August.Week 3.2016

Match #1
Men's International Underground Classic
Qualifying Round
Block B
Normal Match
PJ Black vs Jack Evans
Winner by pinfall: PJ Black (450 Splash)

Match #2
Men's International Underground Classic
Qualifying Round
Block A
Normal Match
Sami Callihan vs Sonjay Dutt
Winner: Sonjay Dutt

Match #3
Men's International Underground Classic
Qualifying Round
Block A
Normal Match
Kongo Kong vs David Starr
Winner: Kongo Kong

Match #4
Men's International Underground Classic
Qualifying Round
Block A
Normal Match
Raven vs Fallah Bahh
Winner: Fallah Bahh

Match #5
Men's International Underground Classic
First Round
Block B
Normal Match
Mr. Anderson vs The Bunny
Winner by pinfall: Mr. Anderson (Mic Check)

Match #6
Men's International Underground Classic
First Round
Block B
Normal Match
Sabu vs Fenix
Winner by pinfall: Sabu (Diving Leg Drop)

Match #7
Men's International Underground Classic
First Round
Block B
Normal Match
Rey Mysterio vs Rick Steiner
Winner: Rick Steiner


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