Saturday, October 13, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: TNA Impact Wrestling (Thu.Sep.W1.16)

TNA Impact Wrestling
on WWE 2K18
Thursday, September, Week 1, 2016
Orlando, FL

Last week on TNA Impact Wrestling, Eddie Edwards attacked Trevor Lee back, leading to a violent brawl between them on stage. Tonight, Trevor Lee has approached TNA management and requested a match against Edwards in an attempt to embarrass Edwards once again in front of the world in tonight's main event. Eddie can take all of the cheap shots that he wants but at the end of the day Trevor is simply superior.

Bobby Lashley talks about how he defeated the Bound For Glory Playoff winner, Drew McIntyre two weeks ago on Impact despite suffering a farcical draw in the tournament. Lashley therefore considers himself the true Bound For Glory Playoff winner and he plans on headlining Bound For Glory regardless of what happens.

Lashley then accuses TNA management of giving Trevor Lee preferential treatment due to him going the entire month of August without a TNA World Heavyweight Championship defense. Meanwhile, Lashley is defeating their marquee names, James Storm is pinning their champion and Mahabali Shera was promised a title shot after defeating Al Snow in their rivalry.

Lashley, Storm and Shera and have challenged Trevor Lee to a TNA World Heavyweight Championship match via social media but Lee has boldly stated that he is refusing to put his title on the line during the entire month of September.

Outraged that TNA management would let this slide, Lashley, Storm and Shera have taken matters into their own hands and have commissioned a “true” TNA World Heavyweight Championship to be contested right here and right now.

(Drew McIntyre was offered a spot in this match by Lashley, Storm and Shera due to his Bound For Glory Playoff victory but Drew insists that he will headline Bound For Glory and he doesn't care which TNA World Heavyweight Champion he challenges because at the end of the day whichever championship he wins will be the true TNA Wold Heavyweight Championship.)

Match #1
(Interim) TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Mahabali Shera vs James Storm vs Bobby Lashley
Winner by pinfall and (Interim) TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Bobby Lashley (Lashley pins Shera after a Running Powerslam)

Match #2
Tag Team Match
Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud vs Robbie E & DJ Z
Winners: Robbie E & DJ Z

Davey Richards is one-half of the #1 contenders for the TNA World Tag Team Championship alongside Eddie Edwards but they've been unable to issue a challenge due to Eddie being busy with his rivalry against Trevor Lee. In the meantime, Davey can't do anything more than try his luck at singles competition and continue watching other tag teams leapfrog over The Wolves. Davey surmises that perhaps Eddie can bring the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back to The Wolves while Davey brings the TNA Global Television Championship to The Wolves.

In order to achieve these goals, Davey will have to take down Joseph Park tonight. A man who has been more driven than ever to fight his way to the top of the TNA rankings. Right now Park is ranked higher than Richards so another loss tonight for Park would make things worse for Park who is already coming off of a high profile defeat to Bobby Lashley.

Match #3
Normal Match
Joseph Park vs Davey Richards
Winner by pinfall: Davey Richards (Double Underhook Piledriver)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Davey offers Joseph a handshake that he accepts before raising Davey's arm in a sign of good sportsmanship.

Aron Rex arrives to TNA Impact Wrestling next week!

Two weeks ago on TNA Impact Wrestling, “The Miracle” Mike Bennett introduced the TNA Impact Wrestling audience to the man called Moose. Together they picked up an impactful win in the tag team division and tonight they look to follow up on Bennett's newfound momentum.

Match #4
#1 Contender's Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
Mark Andrews & Braxton Sutter vs “Miracle” Mike Bennett & Moose (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett)
Winners and #1 contenders: “Miracle” Mike Bennett & Moose

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Trevor Lee vs Eddie Edwards
Pre-Match: Eddie waits for Lee's entrance when he is attacked from behind by Lee and laid out to start the match.
Winner by pinfall: Trevor Lee (Collision Course)(*** ½ Great)


Trevor Lee attacked Eddie Edwards from behind, afraid of facing his rival head-on until their TNA World Heavyweight Championship match!

Bobby Lashley has won the (interim) TNA World Heavyweight Championship!

Average Match Rating: 3.25


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