Saturday, December 1, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE NXT (Oct.W1.16)

October, Week 1, Year 1
Orlando, FL

Last week on NXT, the #1 contender for the NXT Championship Samoa Joe continued to attack the NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura after their main event non-title match, intent on hurting and disrespecting him. Joe has three straight non-title victories over Nakamura and is poised to regain the NXT Championship soon. Tonight “The Samoan Submission Machine” will once again compete in the main event against cruiserweight sensation Rich Swann!

Also tonight, the 2016 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic kicks off on NXT!

Show Opener Promo
“The Glorious” Bobby Roode comes out to the ring to call out an NXT Superstar that he has been very impressed by lately, “The Perfect 10” Tye Dillinger. Roode tells Dillinger that they can win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic if they team up. Dillinger warily accepts as Roode adds that their first match will take place right here tonight.

Match #1
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Qualifying Match
Tag Team Match
The Ealy Brothers (Gabriel & Uriel Ealy) vs Angelo Dawkins & Kenneth Crawford
Winners: The Ealy Brothers

Paul Ellering comes out to the stage and reveals to the Ealy Brothers that their first and ultimately final chapter in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic will be against The Authors of Pain.

Last week on NXT, “The Velveteen Dream” Patrick Clark attacked Elias before their match, determined to hurt his opponent.

Match #2
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Patrick Clark vs Fabian Aichner
Pre-Match: Clark makes his entrance and is attacked from behind on the ramp by Elias who is pulled off by the official.
Winner by pinfall: Fabian Aichner (Powerbomb)(** ½ Good)

Match #3
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
First Round
Tag Team Match
SAnitY (Alexander Wolfe & Sawyer Fulton)(Eric Young & Nikki Cross) vs Bobby Roode & Tye Dillinger
Winners: SanitY (Gutwrench Suplex from Fulton on Dillinger)

Match #4
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
First Round
Tag Team Match
Kota Ibushi & TJ Perkins vs Lince Dorado & Mustafa Ali
Winners by count out: Kota Ibushi & TJ Perkins

Match #5
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Samoa Joe vs Rich Swann
Winner by submission: Samoa Joe (Coquina Clutch)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Joe goes to grab a steel chair and winds up to attack Swann when the NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura (portrayed tonight by one of the Ealy Brothers) runs out to make the save.


Shinsuke Nakamura saved Rich Swann from a dangerous attack by Samoa Joe!

Elias delivered payback against Patrick Clark with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Average Match Rating: 2.5%


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