Sunday, January 6, 2019

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (Oct.W3.16)

WWE Live '91
October, Week 3, 2016
New York, NY

Match #1
Tag Team Match
The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) vs Money, Incorporated (“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase & Irwin R. Schyster)
Winners: Money, Incorporated (*** Very Good)

Match #2
WWE Women's Championship
Normal Match
Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon
Winner by pinfall and NEW WWE Women's Champion: Luna Vachon (*** Very Good)

Match #3
Normal Match
Bruno Sammartino vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Winner: Bruno Sammartino (*** Very Good)
Post-Match: A handshake takes place as Helmsley raises Bruno's arm.

Match #4
World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Match
The Dream Team (Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake) vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog
Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team (Sleeper Hold from Beefcake on Owen)

Match #5
Rivalry Match
Tag Team Match
The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) vs The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Slaughter & Col. Mustafa)
Pre-Match: The Rock 'N' Roll Express await Slaughter and Mustafa who talk nonstop trash on their way to ringside. This prompts Morton and Gibson to meet Slaughter and Mustafa at ringside for a brawl.
Winners by count out: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (*** ½ Great)

Match #6
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Macho Man” Randy Savage vs Sgt. Slaughter
Winner by pinfall: “Macho Man” Randy Savage (Diving Elbow Drop)(*** ½ Great)
Post-Match: Savage offers a handshake that Slaughters slaps away.

Match #7
Main Event
Tag Team Match
The Hart Foundation (Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) vs Dudes With Attitudes (Shawn Michaels '97 & Diesel)
Winners: The Hart Foundation


Suffering a non-title loss, Sgt. Slaughter refused a handshake from Randy Savage, caring only about winning their high-stakes title rematch.

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson delivered a counter attack of their own ti their enemies Col. Mustafa and Sgt. Slaughter.


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