Monday, January 14, 2019

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (Oct.W3.16)

WWE SmackDown '00
October, Week 3, 2016
San Francisco, CA

Show Opener Promo
Ric Flair comes out to the ring and addresses the current rankings situation surrounding the WWE Championship and SmackDown '00. He reveals that Eddie Guerrero is ranked at the spot directly above “The Nature Boy” and he refuses to let that stand. Guerrero was a great WWE Undisputed Champion but Ric Flair considers himself to be the greatest of all time. “Latino Heat” comes out and humors Flair's claim and agrees with Flair being one of, if not the greatest of all time. However, Eddie states that it's his time now to ascend and surpass “The Nature Boy”. A challenge is issued between these two legends and the main event match for tonight is set.
Promo Battle Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Match #1
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Jamie Noble vs Scotty 2 Hotty vs Tajiri
Winner and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri

The leader of The Corporation, Mr. McMahon '01 refuses to accept any failure in his faction of superiority and has made a match between The Big Show '00 and The Big Boss Man '99 against The Brothers of Destruction to put them to the test.

Match #2
Tag Team Match
Trish Stratus & Lita vs Jacqueline & Ivory
Winners: Trish Stratus & Lita (Lita pins Ivory)

Middle Card Promo
Kurt Angle '01 listened to what Ric Flair had to say earlier and was inspired by it. Angle talks about redefining what it meant to be WWE Hardcore Championship when he defended that championship under traditional singles rules defeating the likes of Mankind and Cactus Jack. Yet here Kurt finds himself in the WWE rankings slotted below Mankind and “Your Olympic Hero” refuses to let that stand. Mankind comes out to the ring and says that he'd be more than happy to take Angle down a peg further and challenges Angle to a match if he is so displeased. Angle accepts the challenge...but not for tonight.
Promo Battle Winner: Kurt Angle '01

Match #3
Normal Match
Road Dogg vs Tazz
Winner by submission: Tazz (Tazzmission)(** ½ Good)
Post-Match: Tazz offers a handshake that Road Dogg accepts before raising Tazz's arm.

Middle Card Promo
The WWE Intercontinental Champion Goldberg '04 comes out to the ring and talks about how proud he has been to be the WWE Intercontinental Champion and hopes that he has elevated the championship even further. However, Goldberg must vacate the championship for reasons he cannot yet say but when the WWE Universe finds out, he'll know that they'll be excited for it. As for tonight, there's going to be a Fatal 4-Way match to determine a NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion and Goldberg hopes that they can take that championship and take it further than he did.

Match #4
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Fatal 4-Way Match
Chris Jericho '00 vs D'Lo Brown vs Booker T vs Billy Gunn
Winner by submission and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho '00 (Walls of Jericho on D'Lo)

Match #5
Tag Team Match
The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker '00 & Kane '98) vs The Corporation (Big Show '00 & Big Boss Man '99)(w/Mr. McMahon '01)
Winners: The Corporation (Boss Man pins Kane)(**** Amazing)

Show Closer Promo
Next week on SmackDown '00, the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels '98 will square off against the #1 contender for the WWE Championship Triple H '01. “The Game” comes out and states that he appreciates HBK taking him under his wing in D-Generation X but now he has risen above that and beyond HBK. HBK contests that although Triple H has indeed risen immensely, “The Heartbreak Kid” still considers himself to be “The Showstopper”, “The Headliner”, “The Main Event” and “The Icon” and when he beats Triple H '01 next week he's going to find that out the hard way.
Promo Battle Winner: Triple H '01

Match #6
Main Event
Normal Match
Eddie Guerrero vs Ric Flair
Winner by pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (Frog Splash)


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