Friday, September 20, 2019

My WWE 2K18 Results: ECW '06 (Jan.W1.17)

ECW '06
January.Week 1.2017
New York City

Match #1
Normal Match
Shannon Moore vs The Sandman
Winner: The Sandman
By: Pinfall
Finish: White Russian Leg Sweep
Rating: *** ½ Great

Match #2
Normal Match
The Great Khali vs Tommy Dreamer
Winner: Tommy Dreamer
By: Pinfall
Finish: Death Valley Driver
Post-Match: Dreamer offers a handshake that Khali accepts before he raises Dreamer's arm.
Rating: **** Amazing

Interview: Hardcore Colly plans to teach his opponent tonight, Sabu. A lesson in what hardcore really is. Hardcore isn't about jumping off of tall places and relying on throwing steel chairs. Hardcore is surviving a one on one match against Hardcore Holly!

Match #3
Normal Match
Sabu vs Hardcore Holly
Winner: Hardcore Holly
By: Pinfall
Finish: Alabama Slam
Note: Squash!
Post-Match: Sabu offers Holly a handshake that he accepts before heading off to pose on the turnbuckle.
Rating: **** Amazing

Match #4
Normal Match
Rob Van Dam '06 vs Tajiri
Winner: Rob Van Dam '06
By: Pinfall
Finish: Five Star Frog Splash
Note: Quick Match
Post-Match: Rob Van Dam offers Tajiri a handshake that he accepts before he raises RVD's arm.
Rating: **** Amazing

Next Week on ECW: The current #2 contender for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship '06-'08, Kurt Angle, will go one on one against John Cena '06 (the #3 contender) in a #1 Contender's Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship '06-'08!

Show Closer Promo
Kurt Angle '06 vs John Cena '06
Promo Battle Winner: Kurt Angle '06

Match #5
Main Event
ECW World Heavyweight Championship '06-'08
Normal Match
Christian (c) vs Tazz
Pre-Match: Both Superstars shake hands.
Winner and STILL ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Christian
By: Pinfall
Finish: Killswitch
Rating: *** ½ Great


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