Monday, June 7, 2021

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (Jun.W3.17)

WWE SmackDown '00

June.Week 3.2017

San Antonio, TX


With SmackDown '00 back in San Antonio this week, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels '05 takes the opportunity to challenge Triple H (Who defeated HBK last week on SmackDown '00) to a rematch. Instead HBK receives “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair '88 who tells Shawn that he already had his shot and he blew it. If HBK wants Hunter then he's got to go through “The Dirtiest Player in the Game” right here tonight!

Shawn Michaels '05 vs Ric Flair '88


BACKSTAGE: The WCW locker room is browbeating DDP for misfiring WCW's first salvo after he lost to Chris Jericho '00 on RAW IS WAR this past Monday. As a result, WCW needs to set an example and that starts with DDP having to face Vader tonight as punishment. However, some in the locker room are taken aback when DDP remains positively confident about his chances against the man they call Vader.


Normal Match

Vader vs Diamond Dallas Page


Method: Pinfall

Finish: Vader Bomb

NEXT: With the WWE Attitude brand being invaded from all sides, each invading brand is bound to cross each other and that's exactly what has taken place tonight when Maria Kanellis bumps into Alundra Blayze who is looking to redeem the WWE Classic era locker room tonight after their failed first salvo this past Monday night.


Normal Match

Maria Kanellis '08 vs Alundra Blayze

WINNER: Alundra Blayze

Method: Pinfall

Finish: German Suplex

NEXT: Rikishi represents the Attitude Era brand against The Miz '10!


Normal Match

Rikishi vs The Miz '10


Method: Pinfall

Finish: Skull Crushing Finale

Post-Match: Rikishi leaves disappointed that he let the Attitude locker room down in losing to the invading Miz '10.

NEXT: The immovable force meets the immovable object as the unstoppable juggernaut that is Goldberg goes one on one against “The Cerebral Assassin” Triple H '01! Triple H plans to make a repeat of 2003 tonight when he reminds Goldberg that this isn't WCW and there is no steamrolling through “The Game”. Goldberg, however, feels very differently.


Normal Match

Triple H '01 vs Goldberg '04

WINNER: Goldberg

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Jackhammer

Post-Match: Triple H begrudgingly offers a handshake but drops Goldberg with a vicious low blow kick when he goes to accept. Despite Triple H's loss the lasting image is of Goldberg doubled over in pain thanks to “The Cerebral Assassin”.

NEXT: With the WWE Classic brand's Hart Foundation as World Tag Team Champions '97-'02, WCW sole invading team is The Rock 'N' Roll Express (who had a very successful season last year). Tonight, they plan on taking down another WWE Classic era tag team on their way to The Hart Foundation.


Tag Team Match

The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) vs The Dream Team (Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)

Pre-Match: Valentine and Beefcake high-five each other.

WINNERS: The Dream Team (Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)

Method: Pinfall from Valentine on Robert

Finish: Sleeper Hold (by Beefcake)

INTERVIEW: “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes addresses the rumors perpetuated by Ted DiBiase last Monday night on RAW IS WAR and says that DiBiase's got hell to pay coming his way. Dusty proposes taking that Million Dollar Championship away from Ted and selling it in order to bring back the golden era. Dusty wants to take down his old rival once and for all.



Normal Match

Ric Flair '88 vs Shawn Michaels '05

WINNER: Shawn Michaels

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Sweet Chin Music

Post-Match: “The Nature Boy” lures HBK in with an offer of a handshake but is dropped by a low blow kick, shades of Triple H earlier this evening.


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