Wednesday, June 8, 2022

My WWE 2K19 Results: WWE 205 Live (Nov.W2.17)

WWE 205 Live

November.Week 2.2017

Indianapolis, IN


WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander


                    1. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

                    2. Rich Swann

                    3. Cedric Alexander (WWE Cruiserweight Champion)

                    4. Akira Tozawa

                    5. Lince Dorado

LAST WEEK ON 205 LIVE: Cedric Alexander defeated Rich Swann in a championship rematch to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship!

TONIGHT ON 205 LIVE: Drew Gulak, Kalisto, Ariya Daivari and Gran Metalik will collide in a Fatal 4-Way Match!



Normal Match

Akira Tozawa vs Enzo Amore (w/Noam Dar & Tony Nese)

WINNER and #1 CONTENDER: Akira Tozawa

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Diving Senton

IN THE BACKSTAGE AREA: Mustafa Ali stops by to talk to Rich Swann and give him credit for the recent battles he's had with Cedric Alexander. But right now,Ali wants to talk about Kendrick and Gallagher and how they can't let those two get to them. For Ali, November in Chicago wasn’t the easiest but he learned a valuable lesson. Always get your turkey. Swann says he doesn't listen to them before Ali says that they call Swann a dancing fool. Ali says Rich can't let them control him and that if they want a dancing fool, then he should give it to them.


Normal Match

The Brian Kendrick (w/Gentleman Jack Gallagher) vs Rich Swann (w/Mustafa Ali)

WINNER: Rich Swann

Method: Pinfall

Finish: Fantastic Voyage

INTERVIEW: Kalisto and Gran Metalik are good friends but they plan on giving each other everything they've got to win tonight as well as giving Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari hell.

INTERVIEW: Ariya Daivari was wary at first about aligning with Enzo Amore and hopping aboard the Zo Train. Everybody was wary about opening the door to Enzo but Daivari did which led to Daivari also opening up his bank account for Enzo. Now Daivari has nothing left to be wary of other than spending another night in Indianapolis.

POWER POINT PRESENTATION: Drew Gulak says that he will put a stop the Lucha chants in this arena before beginning his presentation.

SLIDE 1 of 47: No soda. As he looks around the arena he sees kids giddily guzzling down black sludge down their gullets. It's making their teeth fall out of their heads. They don’t need that high fructose corn syrup to jump around. Drew suggests if you want something sweet, try a glass of tea.

SLIDE 2 of 47: No chanting. Drew says we've evolved past this. here is nothing worse than children chanting.

SLIDE 3 of 47: ...(Is interrupted by entrance music)


Fatal 4-Way Match

Drew Gulak vs Kalisto vs Ariya Daivari vs Gran Metalik

WINNER: Ariya Daivari

Method: Pinfall on Kalisto

Finish: Hammerlock Lariat


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