Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE SmackDown '00 (July.Week 2)

WWE SmackDown '00
July, Week 2, Year 1
Albuquerque, NM

Show Opener Promo
Footage is shown of Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 taking on Triple H '98 this past Monday on RAW IS WAR where Triple H offered Austin a handshake but was slapped in the face in return. Austin went on to win the match via Stone Cold Stunner. Triple H '98 comes out and calls out Austin who accepts any challenge that Triple H may or may not have because Austin says that he'll whoop Triple H's ass, Shawn Michaels' ass, DX's ass, the referee's ass, Michael Cole's ass, Vince McMahon's ass and so on and so forth. Triple H takes Austin up on his offer and tells Austin that later on tonight, D-Generation X will meet him right here in the ring.

Match #1
WWE Hardcore Championship
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Cactus Jack '98 (c) vs Kurt Angle '01
Winner by submission and NEW WWE Hardcore Champion: Kurt Angle '01 (Ankle Lock)

Match #2
Normal Match
Tajiri vs Mr. McMahon
Winner by pinfall: Mr. McMahon '01 (Brainbuster)

When pressed for an interview backstage and asked about his seemingly random match-up against “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri, Mr. McMahon confirms that it was not random per-say and there was a reason but he will not divulge any information at this time.

Middle Card Promo
After getting upstaged in a promo battle by Trish Stratus, an angry WWE Women's Champion Jacqueline (who is scheduled to defend her championship against the #1 contender, Lita) comes out and immediately calls out Trish Stratus. Jacqueline wants to settle the issue between Trish and her once and for all and once Jacqueline is finished with Trish, there won't be anything left. Trish is up for the challenge but Jacqueline adds that Trish will have to take a number because the score settling will not be taking place tonight. Jacqueline leaves satisfied with winning the promo battle and getting a little payback on the mic tonight.

Kama Mustafa is interviewed alongside The Nation of Domination and talks about his opponent tonight, Ron Simmons and how the leader of the Nation is superior to Simmons in every way. One other person who is superior to Simmons is Kama Mustafa and he is still the “Supreme Fighting Machine” and tonight Ron Simmons is gong to find that out firsthand. Faarooq then steps in front of Kama and D'Lo as they do the Nation salute. Ron Simmons is then shown watching this from a monitor in another area backstage and can only shake his head in disappointment before uttering a shameful “DAMN!”.

Match #3
Normal Match
Ron Simmons vs Kama Mustafa (w/Faarooq & D'Lo Brown)
Winner by pinfall: Ron Simmons (Dominator)(*** Very Good)

Footage is shown of “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman making short work of Crash Holly this past Monday on RAW IS WAR and becoming the NEW WWE Light Heavyweight Champion. Tonight on SmackDown '00 in Albuquerque, Crash Holly has challenged Pillman to a championship rematch.

Match #4
WWE Light Heavyweight Championship
Normal Match
Brian Pillman (c) vs Crash Holly
Winner by pinfall and STILL WWE Light Heavyweight Champion: Brian Pillman (Springboard Clothesline)(**** Amazing)(Squash)

Match #5
Normal Match
Road Dogg Jesse James vs Haku
Winner by pinfall: Road Dogg Jesse James (Pumphandle Slam)(Squash)

Match #6
Main Event
Tag Team Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin '97 & Dude Love vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels '98 & Triple H '98)
Winners: D-Generation X (Sweet Chin Music from HBK on Dude Love)


Kurt Angle '01 has won the WWE Hardcore Championship!


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