Saturday, July 7, 2018

My WWE 2K18 Results: WWE Live '91 (July.Week 2)

WWE Live '91
July, Week 2, Year 1
New York, NY

Last week, “The Macho Man” Randy Savage delivered payback against The Undertaker with an attack of his own on the rampway, angered by his rival's actions from two weeks ago when “The Dead Man” continued to attack Savage after the match, intent on hurting and disrespecting “The Macho Man”. This attack from last week allowed Haku to capitalize and pick up a rare victory over The Undertaker. Tonight, “The Phenom” is out for revenge when he takes on “The Macho Man” in a one one one rematch from two weeks ago that he was victorious in. Who will leave Madison Square Garden with the big victory?

The WWE Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart '97 has defeated “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels '97 twice in a row now leading HBK to attack Bret after their match last week. However, “The Hitman” would repel the attack and send Michaels retreating. Has “The Hitman” finished his rivalry with HBK?

Match #1
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 vs Tatanka
Winner by pinfall: Tatanka (End of the Trail)(*** Very Good)
Post-Match: Shawn Michaels' music hits but he doesn't appear. Instead, HBK slides in from behind, turns Bret around and lays him out.

The Honky Tonk Man is interviewed and lets everyone know that in the WWE rankings system, he is only one victory away from inserting himself into the WWE Intercontinental Championship conversation and tonight is the night where The Honky Tonk Man gets it done!

On the flipside, Sgt. Slaughter is looking to add to his WWE resume. Aside from one WWE Championship and a Hall of Fame ring, Slaughter is looking to add the WWE Intercontinental Championship to his mantle. A victory over The Honky Tonk Man will put him in the mix for the Intercontinental Championship. Who will take that step further up the ladder tonight?

Match #2
Normal Match
Sgt. Slaughter vs The Honky Tonk Man
Winner by submission: Sgt. Slaughter (Cobra Clutch)(*** Very Good)

Bob Backlund has an announcement. He defeated the WWE Champion Bret Hart last month and he is still waiting for his opportunity for a WWE Championship match. Since one month has passed by, Backlund has taken matters into his own hands and is now formally recognizing himself as the true WWE Champion. He unveils his WWE Championship (the 1984 version) before proclaiming that he is a fighting champion that will take on all-comers.

Footage is shown of “Big Daddy Cool” Diesel challenging the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Andre The Giant last month and suffering a bitter defeat. “Big Daddy Cool” wouldn't take this lying down as he went on to Providence, Rhode Island the very next week and defeated former WWE Champion, Sgt. Slaughter to once again gain an opportunity to challenge “The Eighth Wonder of the World” Andre The Giant for the WWE Championship. Can “Big Daddy Cool” defeat the giant and win the gold tonight? The Kliq will be in his corner to watch his back!

Match #3
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Normal Match
Andre The Giant (c)(w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs Diesel (w/Shawn Michaels '97 & Razor Ramon)
Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Andre The Giant

The World Tag Team Champions, The Dream Team, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake are interviewed and talk about how they consider themselves finished with The Natural Disasters. They're ready for their next challenge and they want whichever team that wins the #1 contender's match tonight to know that The Dream Team are the ones that run this division now and the new #1 contenders are going to be in for a world of hurt because they're either going to get stomped or submitted by the Figure Four or they're going to sleep and possibly getting a haircut!

Match #4
#1 Contender's Match for the World Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Match
Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke)
Winners and #1 contenders: Owen Hart & British Bulldog

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is interviewed and wants everyone to never forget that last week Haku defeated the almighty Undertaker and if things continue this way then it won't be long before Haku will be coming for that WWE Championship.

Footage is shown of the Million Dollar Champion, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase defeating The Ultimate Warrior last week with Irwin R. Schyster at ringside.

Match #5
Finishers Match
The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase (w/Irwin R. Schyster) vs The Ultimate Warrior
Winner: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase

After “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes defeated Jake “The Snake” Roberts in a Steel Cage Match two weeks ago it seemed as if though the score was finally settled between these two legends. However, Dusty would not leave well enough alone and went on to angrily call out Roberts the following week in a segment that broke down into a brawl. Clearly this rivalry is not quite finished yet!

Match #6
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
Jake “The Snake” Roberts '91 vs Bob Backlund
Pre-Match: Roberts makes his entrance when he is attacked by Dusty Rhodes and rammed into the steel steps, prompting the official to yell at Dusty to leave the area.
Winner by pinfall: Jake “The Snake” Roberts '91 (*** Very Good)

Match #7
Main Event
Rivalry Match
Normal Match
The Undertaker '91 vs “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Pre-Match: The Undertaker's music hits but he doesn't appear. Instead, he slides in from behind, turns Savage around and lays him out.
Winner by pinfall: “Macho Man” Randy Savage (Diving Double Axe Handle Smash)(***** Greatest of All Time)


Undertaker attacked Randy Savage before their match, determined to hurt his opponent!

Dusty Rhodes delivered payback against Jake Roberts with an attack of his own, angered by his rival's actions from last week!

Bret “Hitman” Hart '97 was attacked from behind after his match. Shawn Michaels '97 had to resort to using a distraction with his entrance music, afraid of facing his rival head-on.


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